kasilyas CHAVACANO

English: toilet
Tagalog: palikuran (kubeta)

kasilyas TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) toilet, restroom or comfort room


kasílyas - (Sp. casillas) Lavatory, privy,
closet, latrine, jakes, W.C. (short for watercloset). (cf. lubô, komún).

kasilyas CEBUANO

kasilyas n toilet, room with a toilet in it.
v [A13; a2] build a toilet, bathroom.
a nothing as compared to.
Kasilyas lang ang Sibu sa Manílà, Cebu is nothing compared to Manila.
paN- v [A2; b6] go to the toilet.
Hulat únà kay mangasilyas pa ku, Wait a moment.
Im going to the toilet.
kasilyíru n a person hired to empty the septic tank or a toilet hole of its contents.
v [B136] be a kasilyíru.

Few words of positivity

They would repair the leaks in their eyes.

Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried

Laugh your heart out.

Q. How do you know a blonde has been using the computer?A. There is cheese in front of the mouse.


angsu a smelling of urine. Angsu ang ílang kasilyas, Their toilet smells. v [BN; b6] become smelly. ka- n foulness. …

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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bangkiwag CEBUANO

bangkiwag a awkward. Bangkiwag nga linihukan, Awkward movement. v {1} [B; c1] be awkward. {2} [AN3PB; a] put things s.w. …

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bangku CEBUANO

bangku n toilet (humorouscf. dipusitu, v 5). Buysit. Humag káun, diritsus bangku! Darn! As soon as I had finished eating …

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busbus CEBUANO

busbus = balusbus. paN- v [A2; b6] defecate (slang). Iplás ang kasilyas humag pamusbus, Flush the toilet after using it.

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gak-ang CEBUANO

gak-ang v [A; b(1)] squat, sit on ones heels on top of s.t. Ayaw gak-ángi ang bangkíyu, Dont squat on …

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gámit v {1} [A; a] use s.t. Migámit siyag pilduras arun dílì manganak, She used pills to prevent pregnancy. Gamítun …

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gasgas ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to wear off by rubbing; to scrape. /MA-/ to be worn off by rubbing or friction. GASOLINA [f. …

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inuduru CEBUANO

inudúru n toilet bowl. v [A; a] install, make into a toilet bowl.

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ispunghar CEBUANO

ispunghar v [A2; c6] {1} for odors to rise. Muispunghar giyud ang báhù sa kasilyas, The toilet exudes a terrible …

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kasdiay ILOKANO

dem. like that one yonder. v. /MANGI-: I-/ to do or make like that one yonder. NO KASDIAY, in that …

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kumpisal CEBUANO

kumpisal v {3} [AN] defecate (humorous). -an(), kumpisinaryu n {2} toilet (humorous). Túa pa sa kumpisálan, Shes still out back.

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kusukusu CEBUANO

kusukúsu v {1} [A; a] rumple or rub s.t. in the hands. Kusukusúha ang papil nga iílu, Rub the paper …

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lak-ang CEBUANO

lak-ang v {1} [A; b(1)] stand or squat with legs wide apart. Ayaw lak-ángi ang unidúru kun mugámit mu, Do …

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libang CEBUANO

libang v [B125] defecate. Nalibang (mikalibang) ku hasta kalima kay naghibús ku, I defecated five times because I had LBM. …

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líhù v [A; c] guide s. o. while he urinates or defecates. Ang míd mauy mulíhù sa bátà sa bangkíyu, …

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limpiyu CEBUANO

limpiyu a {1} clean, devoid of dirt, sanitary. Limpiyu kaáyu ang salug run, The floor is very clean today. Limpiyu …

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lingkubaw CEBUANO

lingkúbaw = lintúbaw. lingkud v {1} [A1; b6(1)] sit down. Ayaw ug lingkúri nang syáha kay basà pa ang pintal, …

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luglug CEBUANO

luglug v [A; a] thrust s.t. long repeatedly into a narrow opening. Luglúga ang kasilyas kay nasampúngan, Thrust a stick …

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luud a nauseous, causing nausea. Luud kan-un ang pagkáung pan-us, Stale food is nauseous to eat. v [B2; a4] become, …

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