"Bangkiwag" is a word in CEBUANO

bangkiwag CEBUANO

bangkiwag a awkward.
Bangkiwag nga linihukan, Awkward movement.
v {1} [B; c1] be awkward.
{2} [AN3PB; a] put things s.w.
awkwardly such that they stick out or are in s.
s way; be awkwardly put s.w.
Nagbangkiwag ang mga palítu pagkahúlug, The toothpicks fell so that they were sticking out every which way.
bangkíyu n {1} toilet seat.
{2} toilet seat for children to sit on or to put on a toilet.
v [a12] make into a toilet seat.

Few words of positivity

When I was a seminarian, I was dazzled by a girl I met at an uncle's wedding. I was surprised by her beauty, her intellectual brilliance... and, well, I was bowled over for quite a while.

Pope Francis

Laugh your heart out.

What did the mouse say when his friend broke his front teeth? Hard cheese.


gámit v {1} [A; a] use s.t. Migámit siyag pilduras arun dílì manganak, She used pills to prevent pregnancy. Gamítun …

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limpiyu CEBUANO

limpiyu a {1} clean, devoid of dirt, sanitary. Limpiyu kaáyu ang salug run, The floor is very clean today. Limpiyu …

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sak-ang CEBUANO

sak-ang v [A; c] {1} sit down, set s.t. on s.t. that fits the bottom. Nagsak-ang sa inudúru, Sitting on …

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