"Angsu" is a word in CEBUANO


angsu a smelling of urine.
Angsu ang ílang kasilyas, Their toilet smells.
v [BN; b6] become smelly.
ka- n foulness.
angsúhan n {1} k.
small ash-grey shark that has an odor like urine.
{2} = alangsúhan.

Few words of positivity

Idleness for me is not a giving up on life but a spirited grabbing hold of it.

Tom Hodgkinson

Laugh your heart out.

One day at a busy airport, the passengers on a commercialairliner are seated, waiting for the cockpit crew to showup so they can get underway. The pilot and copilot finally appear in the rear of the plane,and begin walking up to the cockpit through the center aisle. Both appear to be blind. The pilot is using a white cane, bumping into passengers rightand left as he stumbles down the aisle, and the copilot is usinga guide dog. Both have their eyes covered with hugesunglasses.At first the passengers do not react; thinking that it must besome sort of practical joke. However, after a few minutes theengines start revving and the airplane starts moving down therunway.The passengers look at each other with some uneasiness,whispering among themselves and looking desperately to thestewardesses for reassurance.Then the airplane starts accelerating rapidly and people beginpanicking. Some passengers are praying, and as the plane getscloser and closer to the end of the runway, the voices are becomingmore and more hysterical. Finally, when the airplane has less than 20 feet of runway left,there is a sudden change in the pitch of the shouts as everyonescreams at once, and at the very last moment the airplane liftsoff and is airborne.Up in the cockpit, the copilot breathes a sigh of relief andturns to the pilot: "You know, one of these days the passengersaren't going to scream, and we're gonna get killed!


ábud n ornamental bulbous plant: Eurycles amboinensis. The leaves are applied over the bladder to facilitate urination.

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alisbu CEBUANO

alisbu n bad smell permeating the air. Ang alisbu sa patayng irù, The stench of the dead dog. v [BN46; …

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bahù a {1} odorous, ill-smelling. Limpiyúhi ang kasilyas kay bahù kaáyu, Clean the toilet because it stinks. {2} having been …

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bayoot ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ smelling like that of putrid urine, foulsmelling. BAYYABAS [f. Sp.], n. guava. v. /AG-/ to pick guavas. --var. …

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bus-aw CEBUANO

bus-aw n condition of frequent, urgent urination but by small quantities. v [A123P; a4] get this condition. Ságad bus-awun ang …

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dalag a light yellow. Dalag ang íhì, Urine is yellow. n yel-lowed or brown fallen leaves. Dalag sa lumbuy himúun …

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dílì short form: dì {1} no, not (negates predicates with heads consisting of future verbs, nouns, adjectives, numerals, pro-nouns). Dílì …

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disturbu CEBUANO

disturbu v [B6P; a] n nuisance, s.t. that disturbs. Disturbu kaáyu kining pagsígig íhì, It is a nuisance to have …

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diyut n small in size. Diyut nga bátà, A tiny child. n half-centavo coin. way penniless. makadiyut, makariyut {1} to …

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gíra n {1} war. {2} trivial matters talked about in a conversa-tion thats supposed to be important. Unsáun pagsugut nga …

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gulà v {1a} [A2; a] go out from. Migulà ku sa kwartu, I went out of the room. Gulaa (gul-a) …

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hálas n snake. patay ug {1} urinate (slang). {2} for males to masturbate (slang).

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hungaw CEBUANO

hungaw v {1} [A; b8] for wind to blow. Dílì ta makalawud ug muhungaw ang amíhan, We can not go …

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ì ì n childs word for urine. v [A; b(1)] urinate. Gustu kang muì ì? You want to make wee-wee?

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íhì n urine. ug irù k. o. toadstool, dirty white in color, about 2 1/2 tall with a flat top …

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n. urine. v. /-UM-/ to urinate, wet. /-UM-:-AN/ to urinate or wet on (someone or something). Inisboan diay asom ta …

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kadlit CEBUANO

kadlit v [A; a] {1} strike a match, put a match to s.t. Kadlíti ang mga kandílà, Light the candles …

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kuligi CEBUANO

kulígi v [A; b3] cry noisily and loudly. Mikulígi ang bátà nga wà hatágig singku, The child cried noisily because …

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kúlun n cooking pot made of clay. v [A13; a1c] cook in this k. o. pot, make into this k. …

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lagasak CEBUANO

lagasak n splattering, pattering noise made by water falling on s.t. v [A] for water to make a splattering noise. …

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