"Kandol" is a word in HILIGAYNON


kándol - To form into lumps or balls.
Ginakándol níya ang samblági. She is
forming tamarind into balls. Kandolá ang
tsokoláte. Make the cacao (cocoa) up into


kandól - A kind of melon, or cucumber
similar to the "atímon”.

kándus, To shovel, scoop, spoon or ladle
out dry and liquid things. Kandusá ang
humáy, sópas, etc. Scoop out the rice, ladle
out the soup, etc. Kandusí akó sing isá ka
kándus nga sópas. Give me a ladleful of
soup. Ikándus akó ánay sing duhá ka
gántang nga humáy, kay ipíslong ko sa
lusóng kag bayohón. Kindly scoop out two
gantas of rice for me, because I am going to
put it into the mortar and pound it. (cf.
sarók, galó).

Few words of positivity

The politics have always been difficult in medicine. There is some truth in the way medical practice is portrayed in TV dramas.

Barry Marshall

Laugh your heart out.

A serious drunk walked into a bar and, after staring for some time at the only woman seated at the bar, walked over to her and kissed her. She jumped up and slapped him silly. He immediately apologized and explained, "I'm sorry. I thought you were my wife. You look exactly like her." "Why you worthless, insufferable, wretched, no good drunk!" she screamed. "Funny," he muttered, "you even sound exactly like her."


andir a {1} short for andir dibúnal, bakyà, sáya be dominated, subjugated to ones wife. {2} subordinate to. Andir ku …

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anihag CEBUANO

aníhag (from síhag) v {1} [A; c1] peer or look through s.t. trans-parent. Dihay mianihag (nag-anihag) sa bildung takup, S. …

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átub v [A3; b6] fall in great quantities. Miátub ang bumba sa syudad, Bombs rained on the city. Nag-átub ang …

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áwut a {1} be out in a ball game. {2} be out of a place, out of stock, etc. ab …

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awutsayid CEBUANO

awutsayid n out of bounds. v [B12; a12] go out of bounds. Ug maawtsayid ang búla ning sirbíha, pildi ta, …

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bagtik CEBUANO

bagtik a hard because of being full. v [B; a] get hard. Bagtíkun nátù ang búla arun kusug muuntul, Lets …

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báile - (Sp. baile) A dance, a ball; to dance. Indì ka magbáile. Don’t dance. Nagbáile siá kagáb-i He danced …

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bákay v [A2; c] {1} move the line from which one starts, shoots, puts, etc. in a game. Mubákay siya …

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bala-bala HILIGAYNON

balá-bála - Anything resembling a ball; rolling; to roll. Ihabóy ang bóla sa íla sing balábála. Send them up a …

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banda v [B3(1); c1] for s.t. heavy to strike and bounce o? s.t. Nabanda (mibanda) ang batu sa bungbung, The …

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bansili CEBUANO

bansíli v [C; ac] {1} swap, barter. Magbansíli ta. Ímu ring lápis, ákù ang bulpin, Lets swap. Take the pencil …

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bantay CEBUANO

bantay v [A; b(1)] {1} watch s.t. , keep watch over. Wà siyay ági, nagbantay lang sa úras, He doesnt …

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bayli n dance, ball. v {1} [AC; b1c3] do ballroom dancing. Gibaylíhan (gikabayli) nákù si Rús, I danced with Rose. …

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binipisyu CEBUANO

binipisyu n {1} activity held to raise money for charity. {2} charity, pecuniary help. Nangáyù ang alkaldig binipisyu sa mga …

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bola Active Verb: mambola Passive Verb: bolahin Definition: 1) ball (noun) 2) to flatter, to jest, to put someone on …

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budbud CEBUANO

budbud v {1} [A; c] wind string, wire, strips, etc. around s.t. or into a ball. Budbúri nag bandids ang …

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bugun n {1} lump. Bugun sa yútà, Clods of earth. Bugun sa kan-un, Lumps of rice. Bugun sa kaláyu, Balls …

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búl n mason jar, used as a measure for toddy. búla (not without l) n {1} ball. {2} game of …

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bulalu CEBUANO

bulálu, bulálù n {1} general term for good-sized or large cowries. {2} unit of measure {2a} for a rice cake …

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bumba n {1} bomb. Bumba atumika, Atomic bomb. {2} spike or a hard drive downwards in a volleyball, pingpong, and …

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