"Andir" is a word in CEBUANO


andir a {1} short for andir dibúnal, bakyà, sáya be dominated, subjugated to ones wife.
{2} subordinate to.
Andir ku ni Kap-itan Santus, Captain Santos is my superior.
{3} be a student of.
Andir ku ni Lúpis sa mat, I studied math with Lopez.
{4} under the net in tennis, volleyball, etc.
v {1} [A; a12] dominate.
Dì giyud ku maandir, I will not be henpecked.
{2} [B1256] get to be under s.
, student of s.
{3} [B1256] for the ball to be under the net.
{4} in phrases: dibakyà, búnal, sáya = andir, 1.
ditíbul n s.t.
given under the table.
Ug way andir ditíbul dì mulusut ang ímung papílis, Your papers wont get through without s.t.
given under the table.
v [A; c1] bribe.
grawun n underground place, cellar.
Dúnay andir grawun ámung balay, Our house has a cellar.
gul n {1} the area directly beneath the goal in basketball.
{2} being directly beneath the basket.
Ayawg syát ug way andir gul, Dont shoot if there is no one in the area under the basket.
{3} a shot from directly beneath the basket.
v {1} [A] man the area beneath the basket.
{2} [A; c6] make a shot from directly beneath the basket.
Inigpása nákù nímu iandir gul dáyun, When I pass you the ball, shoot from directly beneath the basket.
ids underage.
v [B1256] be underage.
kúbir n undercover agent.
v [B156] be an undercover agent.
pas n underpass.
tayim undertime in job.
v [B6; b] do undertime.
andu, andù v {1} [A1; a12] expect to realize s.t.
out of s.t.
Mag-andu kag hángin ánang pangitáa, You will get exactly nothing from that sort of livelihood.
Unsay maandu mu ánang pagpúnay ug katúlug?
What do you expect to get out of sleeping all the time?
{2} [A; a] sum up, make an account of.
Nag-andu siya sa mga butang nga wà gánì níya mahímu, She is counting up things for credit to get credit for them, when she hasnt even done them.
Ayaw kug paningli, kay ug andúhun nátù ag ákung nagastu nímu, dì ka kabayad, Do not try to collect what I owe you, because if we sum up all that I spent on you, you could never pay.
{3} [A; b4(1)] lay open ones cards.
Kun makaandu na ka, dì ka na makapunù, When you have already laid your cards on the table, you cannot add any more cards.
{3a} pag-(inig-) pa but actually, when it came (comes) to the test (when the cards were laid on the table).
Sígi siyang hangyù.
Pag-andù pa, dì diay gustu, He kept begging, but when I finally agreed to it, he didnt want to.
Padatùdátù siya.
Pag-andù pa, pubri kaáyu, He pretended to be rich.
But when it came to the test, he turned out to be poor.
n way not certain.
Wà pay andu ug maghíkay ba mi sa pyista, Were undecided as yet whether to prepare for the fiesta.
andúhay n confrontation.
v [C] have a confrontation.
Mag-andúhay ta arun mahúsay ang tanan, Lets have it out to settle everything.
anduhúnun n matter to be de-cided.
Anduhúnun pa ning ákung pagpaiskuyla nímug midisína, Im not sure whether we will send you to medical school.


andir gráwun a done in secret.
Andir-gráwun ang mga kalihúkan sa mga kaáway nátù, Our enemies carried out their activities in secret.
v [c1] do s.t.
wit a underweight.
Andir wit kaáyu ning batáa kay níwang, This child is very underweight because he is thin.
v [B12; b6] be, become underweight.

Few words of positivity

Nobody can hurt me without my permission.

Mahatma Gandhi

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Czech !Czech who ?Czech before you open the door !


abab taga- n hillbilly. pakataga- v [A13; a12] act, treat like, consider a hillbilly. Gipakatagaabab lang ku ninyu. Ihása, You …

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ábag v [A; b] give material help, help do work. Kinsa may mag-ábag nímu sa ímung pag-iskuyla? Who will help …

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n. shoulder. v. /MANGI: I-/ to place (something) on the shoulder.

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abága n shoulder. v [A2SN; b5] {1} take financial responsibility. Abagáhun (pangabagáhun, pangabagáhan) ni Mánuy níya ang galastúhan sa pag-iskuyla, …

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abaka n {1} abaca plant: Musa textilis. {2} abaca fiber. abaka-han, abakanhan, abakal n abaca plantation. v [A3] own an …

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abal n = balbal. v = abat.

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abalbalay ILOKANO

n. toy, plaything. v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ 1. to play with as with a toy; to trifle with. Saan mo nga …

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abalu n assessed value. v [AB56; b5c] assess, be assessed at. Ug ikaw muabalu sa ákung yútà, ayawg dak-a, If …

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ábang v {1} [A2S; b] rent. Ang usa ka kwartu giabángan sa tigúlang, The old man rents one of the …

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n. rent. v. /-UM-, MANG-:-AN/ to rent. Kayat ko nga abangan ta kariton mo. I want to rent your cart.

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abaniku CEBUANO

abaníku n {1} folding fan. {1a} fan of any sort for fanning one-self. {2} blackberry lily, k. o. bulbous ornamental: …

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abanti CEBUANO

abanti a {1} forward, ahead. Abanti ka rang milingkud, You took a seat too far to the front. {2} ahead …

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abánu n factory-made cigar. v {1} [A; a12] make into a cigar. {2} [A123S] have, obtain a cigar. paN- v …

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ábat v [A2S; b6] hold on to s.t. fixed to support oneself. Ang tigúwang miábat sa pasamánu paingun sa táas, …

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abat n {1} any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. …

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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n. side (of). Mapan ka idiay abay ni manong mo. Go to the side of your older brother. v. /-UM-:-EN/ …

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abbong ILOKANO

n. cover, lid. v. /AG-, MANG-:-AN/ to cover (face, pot, hole, etc.). Saan mo nga abbongan ta rupam. Don’t cover …

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In criminal law. The offense of taking away a man’s wife, child, or ward, by fraud and persuasion, or open …

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n. textile, specifically cloth woven in the native loom (PAGABLAN). v. /AG-/ to weave cloth, especially in the native loom. …

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