"Hogsty" is a word in ENGLISH

hogsty ENGLISH

A pen, house, or inclosure, for hogs.

Few words of positivity

On page 605, Blumenthal says that 'I made friends with Hitchens's friends the novelists Martin Amis and Salman Rushdie.' True in its way. I particularly remember the occasion when he called me up and invited me to dinner with Dick Morris, but only on condition that I brought Rushdie (who was staying in my house) along with me. No Rushdie: no invitation. So I never did get to meet Dick Morris.

Christopher Hitchens

Laugh your heart out.

One day at a busy airport, the passengers on a commercial airliner are seated waiting for the pilot to show up so they can get under way.The pilot and copilot finally appear in the rear of the plane and begin walking up to the cockpit through the center aisle. Both appear to be blind; the pilot is using a white cane, bumping into passengers right and left as he stumbles down the aisle. The copilot is using a guide dog. Both have their eyes covered with sunglasses.At first, the passengers do not react thinking that it must be some sort of practical joke. After a few minutes though, the engines start revving, and the airplane begins moving down the runway.The passengers look at each other with some uneasiness. They start whispering among themselves and look desperately to the stewardesses for reassurance.Yet, the plane starts accelerating rapidly, and people begin panicking. So me passengers are praying, and as the plane gets closer and closer to the end of the runway, the voices are becoming more and more hysterical.When the plane has less than twenty feet of runway left, there is a sudden change in the pitch of the shouts as everyone screams at once. At the very last moment, the plane lifts off and is airborne.Up in the cockpit, the copilot breathes a sigh of relief and tells the pilot: "You know, one of these days the passengers aren't going to scream, and we aren't going to know when to take off!"


ábug v [A; a] {1} chase, drive, drive away. Abúga ang bábuy ngadtu sa tangkal, Drive the pig into the …

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To bring a formal charge against a person, to the effect that he Is guilty of a crime or punishable …

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To fix or fasten upon, to attach to, inscribe, or impress upon, as a signature, a seal, a trade-mark. Pen. …

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ági v [A2S3S; b6] {1} go by, through a place. Dílì ku muági dihà kay náay irù, I wont go …

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águd - Use, usefulness, utility, advantage. Walâ gid siá sing águd. He is quite useless. Ang ákon plúma walâ na …

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agwanta CEBUANO

agwanta v {1} [A; a12] endure, put up with. Walay pawntin-ping muagwanta ánang ímung ginawian, No pen can last the …

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akub v [AC; ac] fit s.t. over s.t. else face to face so that the edges meet, or the edge …

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alíli v [AC; ac2] swap, exchange. Kinsay mualílig kabáyù sa ákung kábaw? Who will swap a horse for my carabao? …

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alimúnaw - To disappear suddenly or unexpectedly, to melt away; to vanish, be missing. Nagalimúnaw gid lang ang ákon isulúlat …

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antimanu CEBUANO

antimánu v {1} [A; b5c1] do s.t. early before s.t. else hap-pens. Muantimánu kug lakaw arun dílì hiabtan sa ulan, …

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apil a be included. Ang ábang sitinta apil ang sugà, The rent is seventy including light. walay [subject] [subject] is …

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ása {1} where? (future). Ása ka muiskuyla? Where will you go to school? {1a} going where? Ása ka? Where are …

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bádlit - A line, stroke, sign or mark with a pencil, pen or the like; to line, sign, mark with …

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báilo - Change, barter, exchange; to change, exchange, interchange, barter, swap. Ginbailohán níya ang íya karabáw sang báka ni Fuláno. …

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bansili CEBUANO

bansíli v [C; ac] {1} swap, barter. Magbansíli ta. Ímu ring lápis, ákù ang bulpin, Lets swap. Take the pencil …

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batiis CEBUANO

batíis n {1} leg, esp. the lower leg. {2} legs of pants. v [A; c1] make a leg for toys, …

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bókot - To shut up, imprison, confine, isolate, segregate, lock—up,—in, pen, coop up. Bokóta ang báboy kag patambokón mo. Shut …

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bow-compass ENGLISH

A small pair of compasses, one leg of which carries a pencil, or a pen, for drawing circles. Its legs …

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bow-pen ENGLISH

Bow-compasses carrying a drawing pen. See Bow-compass.

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búhì a {1} alive, living. Kun búhì pa si Tátay, If Dad were only alive. Búhì pa ang ákung pagláum, …

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