"Hinas" is a word in CEBUANO


hínas v [A3P; c1] clear an area by burning.
Muhínas (maghínas) ku sa baul ug muínit, Ill burn the plants I cut down when it gets sunny.
Nahínas ang mga balay sa iskwátir, The slum area was levelled by the fire.
hinásà a familiar, acquainted with s.
or s.t.
Hinásà kaáyu nákù ning nawnga, This face looks very familiar to me.
Hinásà ku kaáyu sa kinabúhing Manilan-un, Im very familiar with what life in Manila is like.
v [B126C13; b6c5] be, become familiar or acquainted with.
Nagkahinásà mi sa tantung agiági níya sa ámù, We became acquainted because she constantly passed by our place.
Gihinasáan ku ánang tawhána, That person looks familiar to me.

Few words of positivity

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.

Ernestine Ulmer

Laugh your heart out.

How do Iranians speak on the telephone?Persian-to-Persian (person-to-person).


amíg - Chum, pal, friend, shortened from amígo and used very familiarly and often also ironically or sarcastically. Si amíg …

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anabyung CEBUANO

anabyung = hinagdung. ánad v {1} [B23(1); b(1)] take to, become fond of. Pakúgus ang bátà nga nakaánad na nímu, …

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ánad - To practise, exercise, accustom to, train, break in, perform regularly or habitually. Anára ang batásan mo nga dílì …

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baktin CEBUANO

baktin n {1} piglet. {2} children, kids (familiar usage). Nag-iskuyla na ang ákung mga baktin, My kids go to school …

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binatasan HILIGAYNON

binatasán - To accustom oneself to, acquire the habit of, become familiar with. Gintudloán níya siá sa pagbinatasán sa pagtawág …

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bus n {1} boss (slang). Si Máma muy bus sa ámù, Mother is the boss in our family. {2} familiar …

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daíl - (B) To train, discipline; form, ground, habituate, familiarize with, prepare, coach; qualify. Dailá siá. Train him. Gindaíl ko …

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hánas - To drill, train, exercise, practise, rehearse, habituate, become familiar with, familiarize, make used to, accustom, inure to, break …

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hayô - Familiar name, pet-name, term of endearment; to use a pet-name, etc. (among relatives and friends). Ginahayô sa íya …

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kabisadu CEBUANO

kabisádu a {1} have complete knowledge of s.t. Kabisádu na nákù ang (kabisádu na aku sa) mga dálan dinhi, Im …

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kumari CEBUANO

kumári n a woman who has one of the following relations to one: she is the mother, godmother, or mother-in-law …

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kumusta CEBUANO

kumusta how is (was, are, etc. ). Kumusta ka? How are you? Kumusta ang ímung pagbisíta? How was your visit? …

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kunu short form: nu {1} it is said, s. o. said. Namatay kunu ag pilútu, They say the pilot died. …

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may-ung CEBUANO

may-ung v {1} [C3; c6] have a resemblance, make things look alike. Magkamay-ung ug panagway ang mag-ágaw, The cousins have …

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pamág-o - Caus. and Freq. of mág-o—to be or feel new in a place or position, not habituated, not familiar, …

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pangiba-iba HILIGAYNON

pangibá-ibá - (B) To behave like a stranger, be shy, timid, quiet, bashful. Kon magdúaw ka sa íla índì ka …

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sanad (from anad) usually [do]. Sanad siyang muanhi sa may mga alas trís, He usually comes at about three oclock. …

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sayun a easy. Sayun kaáyu ang iksámin, The test was very easy. Sayun man gung bayhána maung pirming paangkan, That …

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sinati CEBUANO

sinátì a {1} familiar. Daw sinátì nákù kaáyu nang tingúga, It seems that I am very familiar with that voice. …

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súgat sugatsúgat v [A; a 12] accompany a song or melody with make-do chords. Sugatsugátun lang sa magduduyug ang kanta …

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