"Ex-" is a word in ENGLISH


A prefix from the latin preposition, ex, akin to Gr. 'ex or 'ek
signifying out of, out, proceeding from. Hence, in composition, it
signifies out of, as, in exhale, exclude; off, from, or out. as in
exscind; beyond, as, in excess, exceed, excel; and sometimes has a
privative sense of without, as in exalbuminuos, exsanguinous. In some
words, it intensifies the meaning; in others, it has little affect on
the signification. It becomes ef- before f, as in effuse. The form e-
occurs instead of ex- before b, d, g, l, m, n, r, and v, as in
ebullient, emanate, enormous, etc. In words from the French it often
appears as es-, sometimes as s- or e-; as, escape, scape, elite. Ex-,
prefixed to names implying office, station, condition, denotes that the
person formerly held the office, or is out of the office or condition
now; as, ex-president, ex-governor, ex-mayor, ex-convict. The Greek
form 'ex becomes ex in English, as in exarch; 'ek becomes ec, as in

Few words of positivity

When you're the host of the Academy Awards, and you grew up watching Bob Hope and Johnny Carson, and now it's your turn, and you get a chance to run with the baton on the relay for a while, I really embraced it and just really loved being there.

Billy Crystal

Laugh your heart out.

Marley stopped at the town barbershop for a haircut. After thirty-five minutes of snipping and cutting, the barber held a mirror behind Marley's head."How you like it?" asked the barber. "Real fine," said the redneck. "But how 'bout making it a little longer in the back?"


háyag a {1} be light, bright, well-illuminated. Háyag na pag-gíkan níla, It was light by the time they left. Háyag …

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hitsura CEBUANO

hitsúra n {1} appearance of the face. Paríha mu si Túnig hit-súra, You and Tony have the same facial appearance. …

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erangement Is accompanied with more or less of excitement. Sometimes the excitement amounts to a fury. The individual ln such …

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karinyu CEBUANO

karinyu n showing of a? ection by words or action. v [AC; b] ex-press a? ection physically or with words. …

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pungku CEBUANO

pungkù = lingkud, v4. a squat (used only in set phrases). ug ilung a for a nose to be squat. …

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sakit a {1} painful. Sakit nga samad, A painful wound. {2} hurting, causing wounded feelings. Sakit kaáyung musulti si Pidru, …

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támì a {1} sticky and moist. Támì nga armirul, Sticky laundry starch. Támì nga panahun, Humid weather. {2} dirt-soaked. Támì …

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