"Hitsura" is a word in TAGALOG, HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


hitsúra - Form, figure; impertinence,
shame, cheek. (cf. etsúra, tsúri, súri,

hitsura TAGALOG

Definition: (noun) form, aspect

hitsura CEBUANO

hitsúra n {1} appearance of the face.
Paríha mu si Túnig hit-súra, You and Tony have the same facial appearance.
Nagmug-ut íyang hitsúra kay walà siya kabahini, He has a sulking ex-pression because he hasnt gotten his share.
{2} shape, form that presents itself to the eyes.
Ang ubud paríha ug hitsúra sa sawa, The eel has the same shape as a snake.
{2a} walay hav-ing come out without any recognizable shape.
Way hitsúrang pagkatupíha, Haircut without shape.
{3} may, (walay) good-looking (ugly).
{4} the nerve!
short form: tsura.
Ag hitsúra sa minì nga musulti nákù sa ingun!
The nerve of the fool to say that to me!
v {1} [A12] have the face of.
Ug aku pay nakahit-súra ánang ímung kagwápu, If I had a handsome face like yours.
{2} [a12] take shape.
Nahitsúra na ang balay kay may atup ug bungbung na, The house has taken shape because it has a roof and walls.
Hitsuráun nákù ang pul-an mu rag úlug sawa, I will shape the handle into the form of a snakes head.
{2a} dílì, walà ma-, mag- become irrecognizable.
Nabuthan siya sa dinamíta ug ang láwas walà mahitsúra, The dynamite exploded on him, and the body became unrecognizable.
{3} [a3] be realized as a result of e?
Walay ági nga mahitsúra áning paagíha, Youre not going to realize any output in this way.
hitsuráan, hit-suráhan a handsome, good-looking person.
v [B12] be, become good-looking.

Few words of positivity

Besides, she was alone and those who drink alone, she decided, had no need of any impediments to the pure act of consumption.

Alan Goodare, Sleeping Partners

Laugh your heart out.

PE Teacher: Why did you kick that ball straight at the school computer?Pupil: You told me to put it in the Net.

itsura, itsuri HILIGAYNON

itsúra, itsúri - Form, shape; nonsense, bosh; shame, cheek. (cf. etsúra, hitsúra, hitsúri, tsúri, súri).

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pigúra - (Sp. figura) Figure, form, shape, outline, exterior aspect. (cf. dágway, báyhon, hitsúra, tsúri).

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