"Electro-Tint" is a word in ENGLISH

electro-tint ENGLISH

A style of engraving in relief by means of voltaic
electricity. A picture is drawn on a metallic plate with some material
which resists the fluids of a battery; so that, in electro-typing, the
parts not covered by the varnish, etc., receive a deposition of metal,
and produce the required copy in intaglio. A cast of this is then the
plate for printing.

Few words of positivity

To find the inner peace be utmost honest to yourself.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Yo mama so fat when she goes to an amusement park, people try to ride HER!

abacinate ENGLISH

To blind by a red-hot metal plate held before the eyes.

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abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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acierage ENGLISH

The process of coating the surface of a metal plate (as a stereotype plate) with steellike iron by means of …

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A stuffed jacket worn under the mail, or (later) a jacket plated with mail.

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v. /AG-/ [with pl. subject] to be joined or placed together facing each other (e.g. hands, plates, shells), to be …

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ákon - My, mine; by or through me; sa ákon—me; to, on, upon, from, away from, towards, in, at, into …

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albata ENGLISH

A white metallic alloy; which is made into spoons, forks, teapots, etc. British plate or German silver. See German silver, …

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albertype ENGLISH

A picture printed from a kind of gelatine plate produced by means of a photographic negative.

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aligotó - (H) Regret, grief or pain caused by the want or loss of something; to miss, regret, feel the …

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alikumkum ILOKANO

v. /AG-, MANG-:-EN/ to gather, put together. Darasem nga alikumkumen dagita pinggan tapno makapan tayon. Gather the plates fast so …

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ambrotype ENGLISH

A picture taken on a plate of prepared glass, in which the lights are represented in silver, and the shades …

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ambulacral ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to ambulacra; avenuelike; as, the ambulacral ossicles, plates, spines, and suckers of echinoderms.

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anaptychus ENGLISH

One of a pair of shelly plates found in some cephalopods, as the ammonites.

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anastatic ENGLISH

Pertaining to a process or a style of printing from characters in relief on zinc plates.

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ándo - (Perhaps from the Sp. andar) One go, push, jerk, toss or pull; to take—, lift—, pull off—, with …

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angkun CEBUANO

angkun v [A; a12] claim as ones own, admit authorship of an act. Dì siya muangkun nga siyay may salà, …

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aplacophora ENGLISH

A division of Amphineura in which the body is naked or covered with slender spines or setae, but is without …

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A leaden plate that covers the vent of a cannon.

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aptychus ENGLISH

A shelly plate found in the terminal chambers of ammonite shells. Some authors consider them to be jaws; others, opercula.

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argentry ENGLISH

Silver plate or vessels.

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