"Efflagitate" is a word in ENGLISH

efflagitate ENGLISH

To ask urgently.

Few words of positivity

It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. Remember that. -Albus Dumbledore

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Laugh your heart out.

"Where's the car?" asked Professor Delbert's wife when he got home. "Did I take it out?" "Yes, you drove it to school this morning." "I suppose you're right, my dear. I remember now that after I got out, I turned to thank the man who gave me a lift and wondered where he'd gone."

abanid CEBUANO

abánid v [A; c1] do s.t. step by step, and in sequence. Iabánid (abaníra) kini pagpintal arun dílì magkampat, Paint …

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abanti CEBUANO

abanti a {1} forward, ahead. Abanti ka rang milingkud, You took a seat too far to the front. {2} ahead …

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abinturar CEBUANO

abinturar v [AN; b5] try ones luck. Miabinturar (nangabinturar) lang siyag aplay básig madáwat, He tried his luck in applying …

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abir {1} particle used in calling attention to a point in con-tention. Ang diyus makagagáhum. Abir, unsáun man nímu pagpangutána …

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abóyon - (B) Abóyon without prefix is not in use; paabóyon is employed in the sense of: To accede to …

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adbans CEBUANO

adbans n advance payment on a salary, debt, etc. v {1} [AP; cP] give an advance. Adbansan ka nákug singku, …

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agang-agang CEBUANO

agang-agang v {1} [A; b(1)] hesitate before doing s.t. Miagang-agang kug palit, mau nga naunhan aku, I hesitated before buy-ing, …

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ágbà - Dumb, mum, silent, taciturn (applied to persons who habitually talk little, and rarely allow themselves to be drawn …

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ágda - To invite, to ask or request one’s presence. Agdahá siá. Invite him. Ginágda mo na ang tanán mo …

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agi {1} oh my! , expression of surprise. Agi, kadakù ánang isdáa! Oh my! How big that fish is! {1a} …

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agila n eagle. agímud v [AN; c1] stick out the lips in pouting or in displeasure. Muagímud (mangagímud) man lang …

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ag--inn-ak ILOKANO

1. to do the action denoted by the stem to each other. Nagpinnakawan da. They forgave each other. 2. to …

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agmud n grunting, snorting noises. v [AN; c1] grunt, snort. Ígù lang siyang miagmud (nangagmud) sa ákung pagpananghid, He just …

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agpas v [A; a12b2] {1} go after s. o. to catch up with him. Ag-pása, kay wà tu siya kabayad, …

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ahâ - To beseech, ask fervently, insist on obtaining some favour, importune. Nagahâ siá sa ákon sing bulúng sa pilás. …

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alába - (Perhaps from the Sp. alabar) To beseech, ask in prayer, to call on God or the Saints in …

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alang-alang CEBUANO

alang-álang a {1} not quite time, unseasonable. Ang-ng na run igikan. Dì na ka kaabut, Its no use going now. …

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aluminus CEBUANO

alumínus (not without l) [so-and-so] (which is not desirable) is better than for s.t. else to happen. Pangayúun, pangayúun. Alumínus …

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alungáy - An insistent request, solicitation, petition; to importune, to ask earnestly, to solicit, petition, request. Alungayá inâ sa kay …

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ama námù n the Lords Prayer. short form: manámù. paN-v [A; b5] go to s. o. as if he were …

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