"Distinguisher" is a word in ENGLISH

distinguisher ENGLISH

One who, or that which, distinguishes or separates
one thing from another by marks of diversity.

distinguisher ENGLISH

One who discerns accurately the difference of
things; a nice or judicious observer.

Few words of positivity

People only talk about how wonderful youth is when they have forgotten how hard it was.

Louis L'Amour, The Lonesome Gods

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Men will brag that there are women waiting by the phone at this very moment for their call. Who are these women?A: Women working at 900 numbers.


One of a class of compounds, generally but not always distinguished by their sour taste, solubility in water, and reddening …

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acquiescence ENGLISH

A silent or passive assent or submission, or a submission with apparent content; -- distinguished from avowed consent on the …

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Adversary Proceeding LAW AND LEGAL

A proceeding of two opposing parties, as opposed to an ex parte proceeding with one party. One having opposing parties; …

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alkali ENGLISH

One of a class of caustic bases, such as soda, potash, ammonia, and lithia, whose distinguishing peculiarities are solubility in …

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anglo-saxon ENGLISH

A Saxon of Britain, that is, an English Saxon, or one the Saxons who settled in England, as distinguished from …

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animal ENGLISH

One of the lower animals; a brute or beast, as distinguished from man; as, men and animals.

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author ENGLISH

One who composes or writes a book; a composer, as distinguished from an editor, translator, or compiler.

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In English law. An ad-vocate; one who has been called to the bar. A counsellor learned in the law who …

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beatitude ENGLISH

Any one of the nine declarations (called the Beatitudes), made in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. v. 3-12), with …

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beurre ENGLISH

A beurre (or buttery) pear, one with the meat soft and melting; -- used with a distinguishing word; as, Beurre …

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bondmaid ENGLISH

A female slave, or one bound to service without wages, as distinguished from a hired servant.

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one who breaks into houses or inclosed places, as distinguished from one who committed robbery in the open country. Spelman

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celebrant ENGLISH

One who performs a public religious rite; -- applied particularly to an officiating priest in the Roman Catholic Church, as …

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centurist ENGLISH

An historian who distinguishes time by centuries, esp. one of those who wrote the \"Magdeburg Centuries.\" See under Century.

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The aggregate of the moral qualities which belong to and distin-gulsh an individual person; the geueral re-suit of the one’s …

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cherub ENGLISH

One of a order of angels, variously represented in art. In European painting the cherubim have been shown as blue, …

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citizen ENGLISH

One who enjoys the freedom and privileges of a city; a freeman of a city, as distinguished from a foreigner, …

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one who ls skilled or versed in the civil law. A doctor, professor, or student of the clvil law. Also …

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Heraldic ensigns, introduced by Richard I. from the Holy Land, where they were first invented, originally they were painted on …

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conformist ENGLISH

One who conforms or complies; esp., one who conforms to the Church of England, or to the Established Church, as …

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