"Dade" is a word in ENGLISH


To walk unsteadily, as a child in leading strings, or just
learning to walk; to move slowly.


To hold up by leading strings or by the hand, as a child
while he toddles.

Few words of positivity

You can almost always find chains of coincidence to disprove magic. That's because it doesn't happen the way it does in books. It makes those chains of coincidence. That's what it is.

Jo Walton, Among Others

Laugh your heart out.

Why are there so many piggy banks? Pigs don't like to hide their money in the mattress.


ábat v [A2S; b6] hold on to s.t. fixed to support oneself. Ang tigúwang miábat sa pasamánu paingun sa táas, …

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abrasa CEBUANO

abrása v [AC; bc3] walk side by side with. Hulat kay muabrása kug lakaw ninyu, Wait for me. Im going …

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abrasíta - To hug—, clasp—, take—, in one’s arms. Nagaabrasitaháy silá. They are walking arm in arm. (cf. hakús, púgus, …

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abrasiti CEBUANO

abrasíti v [C2; c2] promenade arm in arm or side by side. Nakit-an kung ímung bánang may giabrasíting (giabrasitíhang) babáyi, …

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abreast ENGLISH

Side by side, with breasts in a line; as, \"Two men could hardly walk abreast.\"

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abroad ENGLISH

Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode; as, to walk abroad.

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abút - To arrive, come to, reach, to appear on the scene. Sán-o pa ikáw magabút? When did you arrive? …

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adda-addang ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to walk with regular, measured steps; to walk step by step. Saan ka nga makadanon idiay papanam no …

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addang ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to move the legs so as to walk; to make a step; to pace, walk. Damo na pay …

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ágak v {1} [A; a12] give the hand to lead or lend support. Akù siyang agákun tapun sa karsáda, Ill …

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ágbay - To put one’s arms on or round another’s shoulder. Nagalakát silá nga nagaagbayánay. They are walking with their …

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agubáy - To support, guide, help along persons who cannot walk well by themselves; to assist people in their necessities. …

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airing ENGLISH

A walk or a ride in the open air; a short excursion for health's sake.

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aláo - A slight affection of the skin which becomes a little swollen and inflamed or covered with rash. Walking …

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álay - Stiffness, tiredness; to be or become stiff and tired from a long walk, overwork or the like, said …

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alay-ay ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-AN/ to cook slowly over low heat or small fire. Alay-ayam laeng dayta karne tapno lumukneng. Cook that meat …

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alihid CEBUANO

alihid v [B; c16] lean to one side. Nag-alihid ang balay sa kadáan, The house is leaning to one side …

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A narrow passage; especially a walk or passage in a garden or park, bordered by rows of trees or bushes; …

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alludoy ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to move or walk slowly so as not to be noticed. Nagal-alludoy nga nagawid diay balasang. The young …

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alobaybay HILIGAYNON

alobáybay - Handrail, railing to hold oneself by, balustrade. Also used as a verb. Alobaybayí ang hágdan sang ímo baláy. …

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