"Cloop" is a word in ENGLISH


The sound made when a cork is forcibly drawn from a bottle.

Few words of positivity

The world forgets easily, too easily, what it does not like to remember.

Jacob A. Riis

Laugh your heart out.

What happened at the cannibal's wedding party? They toasted the bride and groom.


In process of; in the act of; into; to; -- used with verbal substantives in -ing which begin with a …

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The first letter of the English and of many other alphabets. The capital A of the alphabets of Middle and …

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a - The letter A in Visayan is pronounced as in Spanish, except when it has a cut short, abrupt …

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abatvoix ENGLISH

The sounding-board over a pulpit or rostrum.

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able-bodied ENGLISH

Having a sound, strong body; physically competent; robust.

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absurdity ENGLISH

The quality of being absurd or inconsistent with obvious truth, reason, or sound judgment.

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accent ENGLISH

A mark or character used in writing, and serving to regulate the pronunciation; esp.: (a) a mark to indicate the …

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accessory ENGLISH

Accompanying as a subordinate; aiding in a secondary way; additional; connected as an incident or subordinate to a principal; contributing …

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accord ENGLISH

Harmony of sounds; agreement in pitch and tone; concord; as, the accord of tones.

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acoustic ENGLISH

Pertaining to the sense of hearing, the organs of hearing, or the science of sounds; auditory.

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acoustically ENGLISH

In relation to sound or to hearing.

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acoustics ENGLISH

The science of sounds, teaching their nature, phenomena, and laws.

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acrophony ENGLISH

The use of a picture symbol of an object to represent phonetically the initial sound of the name of the …

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To give an acute sound to; as, he acutes his rising inflection too much.

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High, or shrill, in respect to some other sound; -- opposed to grave or low; as, an acute tone or …

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acuteness ENGLISH

Shrillness; high pitch; -- said of sounds.

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addition ENGLISH

A dot at the right side of a note as an indication that its sound is to be lengthened one …

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affinity ENGLISH

Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity; resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of languages.

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agak-ak CEBUANO

agak-ak v [A] {1} for chickens to make the clucking sound of being disturbed. Miagak-ak ang manuk kay nasangkilan, The …

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agh written representation of throaty sound produced in utter-ing a gasp of pain or in clearing the throat.

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