"Affinity" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


At oommon law. Relationship by marriage between the husband and the blood relations of the wife, and be-tween the wife and the blood relations of the husband. 1 Bl. Comm. 434; Bollnger v. Earle, 45 N. Y. Super. CL 80; Tegarden v. Phillips (Ind. App.) 39 N. E. 212

affinity ENGLISH

Relationship by marriage (as between a husband and his
wife's blood relations, or between a wife and her husband's blood
relations); -- in contradistinction to consanguinity, or relationship
by blood; -- followed by with, to, or between.

affinity ENGLISH

Kinship generally; close agreement; relation; conformity;
resemblance; connection; as, the affinity of sounds, of colors, or of

affinity ENGLISH

A relation between species or highe/ groups dependent on
resemblance in the whole plan of structure, and indicating community of

affinity ENGLISH

Companionship; acquaintance.

affinity ENGLISH

A superior spiritual relationship or attraction held to
exist sometimes between persons, esp. persons of the opposite sex;
also, the man or woman who exerts such psychical or spiritual

affinity ENGLISH

That attraction which takes place, at an insensible
distance, between the heterogeneous particles of bodies, and unites
them to form chemical compounds; chemism; chemical or elective affinity
or attraction.

Few words of positivity

The seriousness of being part of Operation Desert Storm-the first major foreign crisis for the United States after the end of the Cold War- was never lost upon us.

Carlos Wallace, The Other 99 T.Y.M.E.S: Train Your Mind to Enjoy Serenity

Laugh your heart out.

Dad, do you like baked apples? Yes son, why? The orchard's on fire.


Of the same kin; related by blood; -- used of persons; as, the two families are near akin.

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angio- ENGLISH

A prefix, or combining form, in numerous compounds, usually relating to seed or blood vessels, or to something contained in, …

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anthracic ENGLISH

Of or relating to anthrax; as, anthracic blood.

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bánay n {1} immediate family consisting of parents and their children. {2} family consisting of ascendants, descendants, and lateral relations …

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Kindred; consanguinity; fam-lly relationship; relation by descent from a

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bloodsucker ENGLISH

Any animal that sucks blood; esp., the leech (Hirudo medicinalis), and related species.

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circulation ENGLISH

The movement of the blood in the blood-vascular system, by which it is brought into close relations with almost every …

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cognate ENGLISH

Allied by blood; kindred by birth; specifically (Law), related on the mother's side.

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connection ENGLISH

A relation; esp. a person connected with another by marriage rather than by blood; -- used in a loose and …

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Connections LAW AND LEGAL

Relations by blood or marriage, but more commonly the relations of a person with whom one ls connected by marriage. …

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consanguineal ENGLISH

Of the same blood; related by birth.

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consanguined ENGLISH

Of kin blood; related.

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Of the same blood; related by birth; descended from the same parent or ancestor.

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consanguinity ENGLISH

The relation of persons by blood, in distinction from affinity or relation by marriage; blood relationship; as, lineal consanguinity; collateral …

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degree ENGLISH

A certain distance or remove in the line of descent, determining the proximity of blood; one remove in the chain …

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draconic ENGLISH

Relating to Draco, the Athenian lawgiver; or to the constellation Draco; or to dragon's blood.

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dugù n {1} blood. May dugù siyang Katsílà, He has Spanish blood. {2} blood from menstruation. Kusug kug dugù human …

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Related on the side of both par-ents; of the whole blood. Hale, Com. Law, c. IL

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foster ENGLISH

Relating to nourishment; affording, receiving, or sharing nourishment or nurture; -- applied to father, mother, child, brother, etc., to indicate …

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haemo- ENGLISH

Combining forms indicating relation or resemblance to blood, association with blood; as, haemapod, haematogenesis, haemoscope.

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