"Cassiterite" is a word in ENGLISH

cassiterite ENGLISH

Native tin dioxide; tin stone; a mineral occurring in
tetragonal crystals of reddish brown color, and brilliant adamantine
luster; also massive, sometimes in compact forms with concentric
fibrous structure resembling wood (wood tin), also in rolled fragments
or pebbly (Stream tin). It is the chief source of metallic tin. See
Black tin, under Black.

Few words of positivity

And Milo, full of thoughts and questions, curled up on the pages of tomorrow's music and eagerly awaited the dawn.

Norton Juster

Laugh your heart out.

At the inquest into her husband's death by food poisoning Mrs Wally was asked by the coroner if she could remember her husband's last words. "Yes," she replied. "He said 'I don't know how that shop can make a profit from selling this salmon at only 20 cents a tin..."

arsenopyrite ENGLISH

A mineral of a tin-white color and metallic luster, containing arsenic, sulphur, and iron; -- also called arsenical pyrites and …

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britannia ENGLISH

A white-metal alloy of tin, antimony, bismuth, copper, etc. It somewhat resembles silver, and is used for table ware. Called …

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callithump ENGLISH

A somewhat riotous parade, accompanied with the blowing of tin horns, and other discordant noises; also, a burlesque serenade; a …

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kanô - To be or sound hollow, empty, loose, shrivelled, shrunk, said of the contents of bottles, tins, nuts, shells, …

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latten ENGLISH

Sheet tin; iron plate, covered with tin; also, any metal in thin sheets; as, gold latten.

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A crystalline or frosted appearance produced by some acids on tin plate; also, the tin plate thus treated.

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panámbì - A superstitious practice of fishermen consisting in the ceremony of putting some of the "small fry” of the …

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platinum ENGLISH

A metallic element, intermediate in value between silver and gold, occurring native or alloyed with other metals, also as the …

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smaltite ENGLISH

A tin-white or gray mineral of metallic luster. It is an arsenide of cobalt, nickel, and iron. Called also speiskobalt.

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stanno- ENGLISH

A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting relation to, or connection with, tin, or including tin as an ingredient.

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streaming ENGLISH

The reduction of stream tin; also, the search for stream tin.

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Thin tin plate; also, tin foil for mirrors.

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usa numeral one. {1} ka a one. Sa usa ka púlung siyay nidaug, In short, he won. {b} a certain …

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