"Cannibal" is a word in ENGLISH

cannibal ENGLISH

Relating to cannibals or cannibalism.

cannibal ENGLISH

A human being that eats human flesh; hence, any that
devours its own kind.

Few words of positivity

She said that in writing anything, you must be perfectly honest.

Lesley Choyce, The Book of Michael

Laugh your heart out.

Dad: Don't be selfish. Let your brother use the sled half the time.Son: I do, Dad. I use it going down the hill and he gets to use it coming up!

anthropical ENGLISH

Like or related to man; human.

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bayi n {1} female animal or plant. {2} descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to …

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Bertillon System LAW AND LEGAL

A method of anthropometry, used chiefly for the identifi-cation of criminals and other persons, con-sisting of the taking and recording …

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dugù n {1} blood. May dugù siyang Katsílà, He has Spanish blood. {2} blood from menstruation. Kusug kug dugù human …

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elfish ENGLISH

Of or relating to the elves; elflike; implike; weird; scarcely human; mischievous, as though caused by elves.

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gaan a {1} light, not heavy in weight. Gaan ka kay kanákù, Youre lighter than I am. {2} easy, not …

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háyag a {1} be light, bright, well-illuminated. Háyag na pag-gíkan níla, It was light by the time they left. Háyag …

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humanitarian ENGLISH

One who limits the sphere of duties to human relations and affections, to the exclusion or disparagement of the religious …

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The doctrine that man's obligations are limited to, and dependent alone upon, man and the human relations.

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intellect ENGLISH

The part or faculty of the human soul by which it knows, as distinguished from the power to feel and …

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kalag n {1} soul. Kaluy-an mu ang kalag ni Luísa, Have mercy on the soul of Louisa. {1a} a person …

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laki n {1} male animal or plant. {2} descriptive term given to plants, where the same name is given to …

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langyaw CEBUANO

langyaw v {1} [A; b6] travel abroad. Mulangyaw ku inigkahíkay sa paspurt, Im going abroad as soon as my passport …

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mag- durative active verbal a? x, future. (Past: nag- or ga-. Subjunctive: mag-. ) Magmata sila árung urása, They are …

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manikin ENGLISH

A model of the human body, made of papier-mache or other material, commonly in detachable pieces, for exhibiting the different …

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A rule of couduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings, established by the Creator, tfnd exist-ing prior …

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Necessaries LAW AND LEGAL

Things indispensable, or things proper and useful, for the sustenance of human life. This is a relative term, and its …

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organize ENGLISH

To arrange or constitute in parts, each having a special function, act, office, or relation; to systematize; to get into …

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orthopedical ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or employed in, orthopedy; relating to the prevention or cure of deformities of children, or, in general, of …

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philology ENGLISH

The study of language, especially in a philosophical manner and as a science; the investigation of the laws of human …

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