"Caboched" is a word in ENGLISH

caboched ENGLISH

Showing the full face, but nothing of the neck; -- said
of the head of a beast in armorial bearing.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes when you're young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you're living on someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up and our hearts break into two.

Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do Blondes wear padded shoulders?A: So they don't get a concussion while bobbing their from head side to side as they are saying "I don't know?" whenever you ask them a question.

bandira CEBUANO

bandíra n {1} flag, banner. {2} s.t. flapping like a flag, visible for all to see. Bitára ang ímung kamisun …

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buswak CEBUANO

buswak v {1} [B46] for the pod containing grains to open prior to the development of the grains. {2} [B236] …

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epideictic ENGLISH

Serving to show forth, explain, or exhibit; -- applied by the Greeks to a kind of oratory, which, by full …

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And others; and other things; and so on. In its abbreviated form (etc.) this phrase is frequently affixed to one …

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gápas n {1} k. o. medium-sized tree which produces cotton. {2} prepared cotton for treatment of wounds. () v {1} …

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garbansus CEBUANO

garbansus, garbantus n = karabansus. garbu n pride. Misinta siya dihang natandug ang garbu, He flared up when his pride …

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grievous ENGLISH

Full of, or expressing, grief; showing great sorrow or affliction; as, a grievous cry.

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gubut a {1} tangled. Gubut ang íyang buhuk nga gitís, Her hair was all tangled because it had been teased. …

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húbù v {1} [A; a2] take o? s.t. one wears. Hubúa ang ímung sapátus, Take o? your shoes. Gihubúan níla …

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increase ENGLISH

To become more nearly full; to show more of the surface; to wax; as, the moon increases.

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íraw - To be full of light, show many lights, illuminate well or with many lights. Abáw, kagáb-i nagíraw gid …

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latok, latok HILIGAYNON

latók, látok - Table. (cf. tulungtúngan, lamésa). lató-láto – lawás lató-láto, Half-empty, showing many gaps, not full (of corn-cobs with …

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lingkubaw CEBUANO

lingkúbaw = lintúbaw. lingkud v {1} [A1; b6(1)] sit down. Ayaw ug lingkúri nang syáha kay basà pa ang pintal, …

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lutáw - Rising to (showing on) the surface, floating, buoyant, visible, conspicuous, prominent, eminent, distinguished; to float, be buoyed up, …

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naturalisa CEBUANO

naturalísa n {1} the natural thing to do. Naturalísa sa táwung mamakak basta dílì sakpan, Its only natural for people …

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nganga CEBUANO

nganga, ngánga v [A; c1] open the mouth. Mingánga siyag dakù pinakítà ang lingagngag, He opened his mouth wide showing …

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pa {1} still, yet: up to now, up to a specific point in the past. Natúlug pa si Pidru, Pedro …

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paingas-ingas HILIGAYNON

paingás-íngas - To show a desire or liking for, betray eagerness for, to be full of hope or longing, to …

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píyas a for s.t. which was full to be without its contents and flat and crinkled. Dì na píyas ang …

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pulhawus CEBUANO

pulhawus a full house, full to capacity. Pulhawus pagsalída sa Binhur, There was a full house when they showed Ben …

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