"Brigandage" is a word in ENGLISH

brigandage ENGLISH

Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery;

Few words of positivity

If you want vampires and werewolves, faeries, fallen angels or zombies, you won't find them here. I know a real-life monster.

Stephanie Lawton, Want

Laugh your heart out.

If they made a movie starring the Loch Ness monster and the great white shark from Jaws, what would the movie be called? Loch Jaws.

anchoretism ENGLISH

The practice or mode of life of an anchoret.

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The employment of means to accomplish some desired end; the adaptation of things in the natural world to the uses …

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ascetic ENGLISH

In the early church, one who devoted himself to a solitary and contemplative life, characterized by devotion, extreme self-denial, and …

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asceticism ENGLISH

The condition, practice, or mode of life, of ascetics.

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bátà n {1} child. {2} son or daughter. {3} mistress, concu-bine. {4} bodyguard, protege of s. o. of high rank. …

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christianity ENGLISH

Practical conformity of one's inward and outward life to the spirit of the Christian religion

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Consimili Casu LAW AND LEGAL

In practice. A writ of entry, framed under the provisions of the statute westmlnster 2, (18 Edw. I.,) c. 24, …

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The belief in the facts and truth of the Scriptures, with a practical love of them; especially, that confiding and …

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erangement Is accompanied with more or less of excitement. Sometimes the excitement amounts to a fury. The individual ln such …

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knowledge ENGLISH

That familiarity which is gained by actual experience; practical skill; as, a knowledge of life.

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(Lat. Sick.) In practice. The name of a return made by tbe sheriff when a defendant, whom he has taken …

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mendicity ENGLISH

The practice of begging; the life of a beggar; mendicancy.

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The doctrine or practice of the duties of life; manner of living as regards right and wrong; conduct; behavior; -- …

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moralist ENGLISH

One who practices moral duties; a person who lives in conformity with moral rules; one of correct deportment and dealings …

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morality ENGLISH

The practice of the moral duties; rectitude of life; conformity to the standard of right; virtue; as, we often admire …

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nazarite ENGLISH

A Jew bound by a vow to lave the hair uncut, to abstain from wine and strong drink, and to …

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pamuyóng - Brigandage, life and practices of brigands or robbers; to follow the profession of a brigand, to rob, plunder, …

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philosopher ENGLISH

One who reduces the principles of philosophy to practice in the conduct of life; one who lives according to the …

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religion ENGLISH

Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life and duty …

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In English lunacy practice, when a person has beeu found a lunatic, the next step is to submit to the …

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