"Boundary" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


By boundary is under-stood, in general, every separatlon, natural or artificial, whlch marks the confines or line of division of two contiguous estates. Trees or hedges may he planted, ditches may be dug, walls or inclosures may be erected, to serve as boundaries. But we most usually understand by boundaries stones or pieces of wood inserted in the earth on the confines of the two estates. Civ. Code La. art 826

boundary ENGLISH

That which indicates or fixes a limit or extent, or marks
a bound, as of a territory; a bounding or separating line; a real or
imaginary limit.

Few words of positivity

One instant, you're just a regular Joe, schlepping through your mundane life, and then suddenly - what is this? - nothing has changed, yet you feel stirred by a grace, swollen with wonder, overflowing with bliss. Everything - for no reason whatsoever - is perfect.

Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love

Laugh your heart out.

A persistent job-seeker once appeared before President Lincoln and demanded an appointment to a judgeship. He was informed that there were no vacancies. The next day, while walking along the river, he saw a drowned man being pulled out, and recognized him as a federal judge.He ran back to the White House and demanded the position. "Sorry," said the President, "but the lawyer who saw that judge fall in beat you here by a good five minutes."


abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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accident ENGLISH

A point or mark which may be retained or omitted in a coat of arms.

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Primarily, this word expresses the relations of presence, nearness in place or time, or direction toward; as, at the ninth …

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baganihan HILIGAYNON

baganíhan - Hero; heroic. bagáas – bagít bág-as, The scar of a cut; pock-marks, the pits of smallpox; to trim …

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bántil - To squeeze and twist, to compress and contort, to knead between the knuckles of the fore—and middle-finger; anything …

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butas Passive Verb: mabutas Definition: 1) hole (noun) 2) marked by having a hole (adj) 3) Tagalog slang for a …

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A mark, certificate, or token, by which, errors may be prevented, or a thing or person may be identified; as, …

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cognizance ENGLISH

The distinguishing mark worn by an armed knight, usually upon the helmet, and by his retainers and followers: Hence, in …

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countermark ENGLISH

A mark or token added to those already existing, in order to afford security or proof; as, an additional or …

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The name given to the principal subdivisions of the kingdom of Eng-land and of most of the states of the …

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galón - (Sp. galón) Gallon, liquid measure containing four quarts; galloon, braid, trimming, strips as used in uniforms, etc., as …

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gótgot - To notch, nick, mark, whittle, incise, grave, groove, flute, blaze (a tree), snick. Gotgotí ang lápis mo kag …

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hanig v {1} [A; c] when s.t. is put on top of s.t. else, put s.t. between the two things …

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híro - (Sp. hierro, herrar) Mark, brand; to mark or brand with an iron. May híro ang kabáyo. The horse …

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hunahuna CEBUANO

hunàhúnà v {1} [A3S; a2b2] think about s.t. Ug hunàhunáun tug maáyu, sayup giyud tu, If you think about it, …

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ílis - Change, alteration, variation; to change, alter, vary, replace, substitute, exchange; successor, instead of. Makaduhá sa simána may ílis …

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isotherm ENGLISH

A line connecting or marking points on the earth's surface having the same temperature. This may be the temperature for …

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labúd - Weal, wale, mark (of a whip or the like); a streak, stripe (of two threads or fibres); to …

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landmark ENGLISH

A mark to designate the boundary of land; any , mark or fixed object (as a marked tree, a stone, …

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lántay - A line of separation or demarcation; to establish a line, make a division or boundary line; line-guard. Bantayán …

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