"Benedight" is a word in ENGLISH

benedight ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

…food is capable of feeding far more than a rumbling stomach. Food is life; our well-being demands it. Food is art and magic; it evokes emotion and colors memory, and in skilled hands, meals become greater than the sum of their ingredients. Food is self-evident; plucked right from the ground or vine or sea, its power to delight is immediate. Food is discovery; finding an untried spice or cuisine is for me like uncovering a new element. Food is evolution; how we interpret it remains ever fluid. Food is humanitarian: sharing it bridges cultures, making friends of strangers pleasantly surprised to learn how much common ground they ultimately share.

Anthony Beal

Laugh your heart out.

Why do artists never win when they play football ?They keep drawing !


abó - Ash, ashes; to treat with ash, apply ashes, use ashes; to turn into or become ashes. Abohí ang …

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abung-abung ILOKANO

n. a small hut; a small hut-like structure used in religious processions as a repository for the Blessed Sacrament.

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adiós - (Sp. adios) God bless you. God speed you. Good-bye. Farewell. Also used as a verb, mostly with pa—. …

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agnus dei ENGLISH

A cake of wax stamped with such a figure. It is made from the remains of the paschal candles and …

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ambáhan - Song, hymn, festive song, vocal music, chant, canticle, lay, ditty; to sing hymns, to praise in song. Nagaambáhan …

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Antipólo - A town near Manila famous for a much venerated shrine of the Blessed Virgin. Sistéma Antipólo. A kind …

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bag-u {2} -ng kaláyu, kandílà, túbig blessing of the New Fire, Easter Candle, and Holy Water on the night of …

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baláan - Blessed, happy, glorious, beatific. (cf. buláhan).

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balaánon - Blessed, blissful, happy, beatific, glorious; holy, saintly, spiritual, mystic. (cf. baláan, buláhan; kalibutánon—worldly, earthly, sensual).

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beatification ENGLISH

The act of beatifying, or the state of being beatified; esp., in the R. C. Church, the act or process …

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beatify ENGLISH

To make happy; to bless with the completion of celestial enjoyment.

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beatify ENGLISH

To pronounce or regard as happy, or supremely blessed, or as conferring happiness.

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beatify ENGLISH

To ascertain and declare, by a public process and decree, that a deceased person is one of \"the blessed\" and …

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bélo - (Sp. velo) Veil; the veiling of the bride and bridegroom during the nuptial Mass; to veil. Himósa ang …

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benben ILOKANO

v. /MAKA-/ to be able to hold, last or do its purpose. Saan nga makabenben dayta tali nga pinanggalut mo. …

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bendisyon HILIGAYNON

bendisyón - (Sp. bendición) Benediction, blessing; the blessing of a woman after childbirth; to bless. Magámpò kitá sa Diós agúd …

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bendíta - (Sp. bendito, a) Blessed; to bless. Túbig nga bendíta. Holy water. Nabenditáhan ang ímo rosaríto? Has your rosary …

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benditahan HILIGAYNON

benditahán - Holy-water basin, holywater stoup, where people bless themselves on entering a church.

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bendíto - (Sp. bendito) Blessed, saint: simpleton, silly, fool. Isá siá ka bendíto. He is a fool or simpleton.

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benedicite ENGLISH

An exclamation corresponding to Bless you !.

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