"Bag-Id" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


bág-id - To rub, strike, as a match, to rub
two pieces of bamboo, etc. together in
order to make fire. Bag-irá (—idá) ang
pósporo. Strike the match. Bag-irí ang
káha sang pósporo. Strike the match
against the box. Bag-irí ang kawáyan
túbtub nga magkaláyo (magkalayó). Rub
the bamboo till it takes fire.

bag-id CEBUANO

bag-id v [AB46; ac] rub back and forth against.
Mibag-id ang bábuy sa batu kay gikatlan, The pig brushed itself against the stone because it itched.
Kamau ka bang mubag-id ug kawáyan arun mukáyu?
Do you know how to rub two sticks together to make fire?
Nabag-iran ang ákung dyíp, Some car grazed my jeep.
Gibag-id níya ang íyang áping sa ákù, He rubbed his cheek against mine.
n sticks to make fire.

Few words of positivity

Take any two-year-old through a car wash and their skulls are blown. FLAPS! FOAM! ROLLING THINGS! It's the closest they'll ever get to being inside a working spaceship.

Drew Magary, Someone Could Get Hurt: A Memoir of Twenty-First-Century Parenthood

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Allegra !Allegra who ?Allegra is broken !

bagnus CEBUANO

bagnus v [A; c] rub s.t. on s.t. with force. Nagbagnus mi ug kandílà sa plantsa arun dílì tay-an, We …

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bág-od - To rub two stones together, to crush or pulverize, between two stones or against a stone. Ginabag-orán ang …

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báid v [A3P; a] {1} rub s.t. on s.t. else to sharpen it to make it shiny. Baírun ku ang …

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bánggos - To rub rather hard with a stone or the like. Ibánggos sa ákon likód iníng bató. Rub my …

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banggud CEBUANO

banggud v [A; a] rub s.t. with pressure against s.t. else causing it to get chafed, shredded, grated. Akuy mubanggud …

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banggus CEBUANO

banggus v {1} [A; c1] rub s.t. against a rough surface, but not with great pressure. Magbanggus ku sa kapáyas …

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banlus CEBUANO

banlus v [A; ac] rub s.t. on or against s.t. Kinsay nagbanlus ug batu sa bildu nga nagaras man? Who …

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bányos - (Sp. baño) Ointment, salve, unguent, leaves, etc. used as a plaster for rubbing in or massaging; massage; to …

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bókbok - A borer insect as well as the wood-dust produced by its action. bókbok, To crush, powder, grind, mash, …

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bugá - To belch forth, spit out, as a volcano; to chew betelnut, spit it into the hand, rub it …

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dagnas, dagnas HILIGAYNON

dagnás, dágnas - To scour, rub, scrub. Dagnasí ang salóg. Scrub the floor. Idagnás akó siníng salúg. Kindly scrub this …

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dalusó - To scratch, excoriate, strip the skin from, scrape off, abrade, rub open, tear off a piece. Nakasúnggò akó …

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dapólas - To apply a—salve,—ointment,— plaster, etc. to rub, stroke, scratch. Dapolása ang hubág, ang bútkon, etc. Put a plaster …

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dapulas CEBUANO

dapúlas (from púlas) v {1} [A; c] rub the hand lightly, usually over the face, occasionally, also over other parts …

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díhug v {1} [A; c] rub, spread s.t. over an area. Líug nga dihúgan ug agwa, Neck with perfume applied …

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dúhig v [A; c] apply liquid or viscous substances to a surface. Duhígig lána ang agtang, Rub the forehead with …

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dúphan - From dupá—to extend the arms, etc. dúpias, A false step, skid, skidding, slip, slide, glide; to make a …

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espérma - (Sp. esperma) Mineral or vegetable wax; candles of such wax; to use or apply such wax. Espermahí ang …

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grábi a {1} in serious condition. Grábi siya, dì tingáli kaugmaan, He is serious. He might not live till tomorrow. …

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hagashas CEBUANO

hagashas {1} dry, swishing sound such as that produced by rub-bing pieces of paper or by a well-starched dress. {2} …

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