"Bagnus" is a word in CEBUANO

bagnus CEBUANO

bagnus v [A; c] rub s.t.
on s.t.
with force.
Nagbagnus mi ug kandílà sa plantsa arun dílì tay-an, We rub a candle against the iron so it wont get rusty.
Ayawg bagnúsi ang ákung bukubuku, paghíri lang, Dont rub my back hard, just wipe it on gently.

Few words of positivity

My biggest weakness is patience, wanting to see things happen too quickly or get changes in place right away. Not having the patience to let things develop.

Paul Gleason

Laugh your heart out.

When Mike got arrested, they told him, "Anything you say will be held against you."Mike said, "Claudia Schiffer's breasts."

Osteopathy LAW AND LEGAL

A method or system of treating various diseases of the human body without the use of drugs, by manipulation applied …

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