"Appearer" is a word in ENGLISH

appearer ENGLISH

One who appears.

Few words of positivity

I still remember the day my father took me to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books for the first time. It was the early summer of 1945, and we walked through the streets of a Barcelona trapped beneath ashen skies as dawn poured over Rambla de Santa Monica in a wreath of liquid copper.

Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

Laugh your heart out.

What's a mouse's least favorite record ? What's up Pussycat !


abat n {1} any supernatural being or human with supernatural powers which shows itself in an unexpected and startling way. …

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abstinent ENGLISH

One of a sect who appeared in France and Spain in the 3d century.

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The levelers in the reign of Hen. I., who acknowledged no head or superior. Leges H. 1; Cowell. Also certain …

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ádlaw - Sun; day; daylight; to be or become daylight; to pass or spend a day. Nagabútlak na ang ádlaw. …

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alimungawung CEBUANO

alimungáwung n s.t. faintly similar to s.t. else in appearance. Alimungáwung ang hitsúra sa plurdilis sa ahítu, The zinnia is …

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amalanhig HILIGAYNON

amalánhig - One who appears after death and haunts houses, etc.; a ghost, spectre, phantom, spirit, shade, wraith, spook, apparition; …

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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appear ENGLISH

To stand in presence of some authority, tribunal, or superior person, to answer a charge, plead a cause, or the …

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atúbang - The position directly before a person or thing, front, face; to face, stand before, confront. Sa atúbang maáyo …

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automaton ENGLISH

A self-moving machine, or one which has its motive power within itself; -- applied chiefly to machines which appear to …

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averroist ENGLISH

One of a sect of peripatetic philosophers, who appeared in Italy before the restoration of learning; so denominated from Averroes, …

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bágis a {1} be completely careless of all rules of decorum, esp. proper dress. Bágis kaáyu siya kay magtiniil lang …

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bahól - To be or become thick, stout, plump, large in circumference; thick, stout, plump; coarse (of cloth). Abáw, nagbahól …

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The security given for the appearance of a prisoner in order to obtain his release from custody of the officer; …

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báng-og - Decomposition, putrefaction, rottenness: to decompose, putrify, rot, spoil, go bad so as to be unpalatable or unfit, said …

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bathay CEBUANO

bathay v [B3(1)46N; b6] s.t. which appears prominently on part of ones body. Mibathay (namathay) ang ugat sa íyang agtang, …

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beadle ENGLISH

A messenger or crier of a court; a servitor; one who cites or bids persons to appear and answer; -- …

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beseem ENGLISH

Literally: To appear or seem (well, ill, best, etc.) for (one) to do or to have. Hence: To be fit, …

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budyung CEBUANO

budyung n {1} helmet shells, conchs, or any large univalve with a pointed caudal apex. {2} horn for signaling made …

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bulinaw CEBUANO

bulinaw n k. o. anchovy commonly eaten in Cebu: various En-graulidae, esp. Stolephorus indicus. útuk ug n bird-brained, stupid. buling …

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