"Aggroup" is a word in ENGLISH

aggroup ENGLISH

To bring together in a group; to group.

Few words of positivity

I think the most exciting thing is that you expect people our age to know the music, but actually a lot of kids know the music, and if anything is left, we have left really good music, and that's the important part, not the mop-tops or whatever.

Ringo Starr

Laugh your heart out.

A defense attorney was cross-examining a police officer during a felony trial -- it went like this:Q: Officer, did you see my client fleeing the scene?A: No sir, but I subsequently observed a person matching the description of the offender running several blocks away.Q: Officer, who provided this description?A: The officer who responded to the scene.Q: A fellow officer provided the description of this so-called offender. Do you trust your fellow officers?A: Yes sir, with my life.Q: With your life? Let me ask you this then officer, do you have a locker room in the police station, a room where you change your clothes in preparation for your daily duties?A: Yes sir, we do.Q: And do you have a locker in that room?A: Yes sir, I do.Q: And do you have a lock on your locker?A: Yes sir.Q: Now why is it, officer, if you trust your fellow of ficers with your life, that you find it necessary to lock your locker in a room you share with those officers?A: You see sir, we share the building with a court complex, and sometimes defense attorneys have been known to walk through that room.

abdominal ENGLISH

A fish of the group Abdominales.

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abdominales ENGLISH

A group including the greater part of fresh-water fishes, and many marine ones, having the ventral fins under the abdomen …

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abdominalia ENGLISH

A group of cirripeds having abdominal appendages.

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abiyun CEBUANO

abiyun n airplane. ka-an() n group of airplanes.

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abranchiata ENGLISH

A group of annelids, so called because the species composing it have no special organs of respiration.

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acalephae ENGLISH

A group of Coelenterata, including the Medusae or jellyfishes, and hydroids; -- so called from the stinging power they possess. …

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A group of intestinal worms, having the proboscis armed with recurved spines.

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acanthopteri ENGLISH

A group of teleostean fishes having spiny fins. See Acanthopterygii.

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acaridan ENGLISH

One of a group of arachnids, including the mites and ticks.

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acarina ENGLISH

The group of Arachnida which includes the mites and ticks. Many species are parasitic, and cause diseases like the itch …

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acephala ENGLISH

That division of the Mollusca which includes the bivalve shells, like the clams and oysters; -- so called because they …

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acinetae ENGLISH

A group of suctorial Infusoria, which in the adult stage are stationary. See Suctoria.

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acrania ENGLISH

The lowest group of Vertebrata, including the amphioxus, in which no skull exists.

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acraspeda ENGLISH

A group of acalephs, including most of the larger jellyfishes; the Discophora.

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acrita ENGLISH

The lowest groups of animals, in which no nervous system has been observed.

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acrodont ENGLISH

One of a group of lizards having the teeth immovably united to the top of the alveolar ridge.

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actinozoa ENGLISH

A group of Coelenterata, comprising the Anthozoa and Ctenophora. The sea anemone, or actinia, is a familiar example.

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affinity ENGLISH

A relation between species or highe/ groups dependent on resemblance in the whole plan of structure, and indicating community of …

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aggregate ENGLISH

Formed into clusters or groups of lobules; as, aggregate glands.

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aggroupment ENGLISH

Arrangement in a group or in groups; grouping.

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