"Woodland" is a word in ENGLISH

woodland ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to woods or woodland; living in the
forest; sylvan.

woodland ENGLISH

Land covered with wood or trees; forest; land on which
trees are suffered to grow, either for fuel or timber.

Few words of positivity

Start your journey where the road ends! Glory lies beyond the ends!

Mehmet Murat ildan

Laugh your heart out.

Why do we put candles on top of a birthday cake? Because it's too hard to put them on the bottom!

alangsuhan CEBUANO

alangsúhan n a medium-sized forest tree: Alphitonia philip-pinensis. alapáhap n k. o. fish.

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almasiga CEBUANO

almasíga n almaciga, a large forest tree producing lumber, balaw, and the dammar resin important in trade since prehistoric times: …

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aluwihaw CEBUANO

aluwíhaw n k. o. tree of second growth forest bearing small, depressed, globular yellow fruit, edible but acidic.

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amaga n k. o. forest tree: Diospyros sp.

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-an - A suffix which goes to form nouns, adjectives, and verbs, and conveys the fundamental meaning of "the place …

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anilaw CEBUANO

anílaw n name given to trees of the genera Columbia and Grewia. The anílaw are small trees or shrubs found …

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annihilate ENGLISH

To destroy the form or peculiar distinctive properties of, so that the specific thing no longer exists; as, to annihilate …

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antuan CEBUANO

antúan n medium-sized tree of second growth forests: Pittospo-rum pentandrum.

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apitung CEBUANO

apítung n name given to three species of primary forest trees, source of timber and balaw resin: Dipterocarpus spp. apla …

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assart ENGLISH

The act or offense of grubbing up trees and bushes, and thus destroying the thickets or coverts of a forest.

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In English lnw. The offense committed in the forest, by pulling up the trees by tlie roots that are thickets …

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bahay n k. o. forest tree, the tuberous roots of which are eaten in times of famine.

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n. forest, woods. v. /AG-, MANG-/ [= MAMAKIR] to cut trees in the forest. Intay mamakir. Let’s go cut trees …

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balukanad CEBUANO

balukanad n k. o. forest tree.

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banaba CEBUANO

banaba n medium-sized tree of the secondary forest, also planted for its lilac or pink flowers. The leaves are commonly …

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bangkal CEBUANO

bangkal n large tree of the secondary forest, hollow in the lower portion of the trunk: Nauclea orientalis.

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batwan CEBUANO

batwan n k. o. small tree of the secondary forest.

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binunga CEBUANO

binúnga n k. o. small tree of secondary forest, the sap of which is used as glue for musical instruments: …

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In old English law. A wood or grove; a thicket or clump of trees in a park or forest Cowell

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A thicket, or place abounding in trees or shrubs; a wild forest.

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