"Woodcutter" is a word in ENGLISH

woodcutter ENGLISH

An engraver on wood.

woodcutter ENGLISH

A person who cuts wood.

Few words of positivity

From the beginning, Europe assumed the power to make decisions within the international trading system. An excellent illustration of that is the fact that the so-called international law which governed the conduct of nations on the high seas was nothing else but European law. Africans did not participate in its making, and in many instances, African people were simply the victims, for the law recognized them only as transportable merchandise. If the African slave was thrown overboard at sea, the only legal problem that arose was whether or not the slave ship could claim compensation from the insurers! Above all, European decision-making power was exercised in selecting what Africa should export – in accordance with European needs. Pg. 77

Walter Rodney, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa

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How do footballers send messages?By referee-mail.


ábung v [A; c] bar, block the way. Abúngan ta ning karsádag dakung batu, Lets block the road with a …

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A cone-shaped piece of wood on the point of the spindle above the vane, on the mast-head.

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acrolith ENGLISH

A statue whose extremities are of stone, the trunk being generally of wood.

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adansonia ENGLISH

A genus of great trees related to the Bombax. There are two species, A. digitata, the baobab or monkey-bread of …

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A carpenter's or cooper's tool, formed with a thin arching blade set at right angles to the handle. It is …

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In French lnw. The right of the inlmliltants of a commune or section of a commune to take from the …

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agallochum ENGLISH

A soft, resinous wood (Aquilaria Agallocha) of highly aromatic smell, burnt by the orientals as a perfume. It is called …

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agan-an CEBUANO

agan-an n sand-like pellets which are the droppings of a k. o. wood-boring insect. v [a4b4] be infested with wood-borers. …

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agaric ENGLISH

An old name for several species of Polyporus, corky fungi growing on decaying wood.

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A genus of plants (order Amaryllidaceae) of which the chief species is the maguey or century plant (A. Americana), wrongly …

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agáy-ay - Decomposition, rottenness, decay, blight, produced by the action of small worms, vermin, insects, parasites (both vegetable and animal), …

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agipó - A firebrand, a partly burning or smouldering piece of wood.

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agipu n piece of wood with a glowing or burning tip.

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ágsap - To chip—, trim—, dress—, hew—, wood by cutting or splitting off small pieces. Agsapí ang káhoy. Dress the …

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ágsik - To fly off, scatter, spray, splash, bespatter. Sang pagbí-al ko sang káhoy ang mga inágsap nagágsik sa malayô. …

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agtì v [BN] {1} become very dark due to heat. Miagtì (nangagtì) íyang nawung sa ínit, His face has become …

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áka - To sell well, be much in demand, be much sought after. Nagáka karón sa Ilongílong ang páhò, ságing, …

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alagasi CEBUANO

alagási n k. o. small tree of thickets producing soft wood: Leu- cosyke capitellata.

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alburnum ENGLISH

The white and softer part of wood, between the inner bark and the hard wood or duramen; sapwood.

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alcohol ENGLISH

A class of compounds analogous to vinic alcohol in constitution. Chemically speaking, they are hydroxides of certain organic radicals; as, …

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