"Warmer" is a word in ENGLISH

warmer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, warms.

Few words of positivity

Who are you?Are you in touch with all of your darkest fantasies?Have you created a life for yourself where you can experience them?I have. I am fucking crazy.But I am free.

Lana Del Rey

Laugh your heart out.

A baseball manager who had an ulcer was in his physician office for a checkup. "Remember," the doctor said, "don't get excited, don't get mad, and forget about baseball when you're off the field." Then he added, "By the way, how come you let the pitcher bat yesterday with the tying run on second and two men out in the ninth?"Doctor: Tell him I can't see him now. Next.


adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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alimuut CEBUANO

alimúut (from púut) a confining, oppressive so as to make people feel uncomfortably hot. Alimúut nang naylung isul-ub, Nylon is …

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banggal ILOKANO

v. /AG-/ to tie a handkerchief or a similar piece of material around the crown of one’s head, folding it …

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barangabang ILOKANO

/MANGI-: I-/to put on or cover with hot ashes or live embers or near a fire so as to warm …

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To apply water or some liquid medicament to; as, to bathe the eye with warm water or with sea water; …

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devout ENGLISH

Warmly devoted; hearty; sincere; earnest; as, devout wishes for one's welfare.

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ínit a {1} hot, warm to the touch. Ínit ang pán, The bread is still warm. Ínit kaáyu sa kwartu, …

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káti, kátì v {1} [A; a] set s.t. into motion by providing a stimulus or catalyst. {1a} use, lure s.t. …

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metonymy ENGLISH

A trope in which one word is put for another that suggests it; as, we say, a man keeps a …

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páang - Hot, sultry, close, stuffy, oppressive, warm, sweltry; to be or get hot, etc. Nagpáang ang ímo baláy kútub …

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paN- (see p. xvi for the meaning of the symbol N. see maN-for illustrations of the tense forms of the …

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patay v [A; b7] {1} kill, slay. Dì makapatay ning sakíta nímu, This sickness wont kill you. Patyun ku siya, …

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pomegranate ENGLISH

The fruit of the tree Punica Granatum; also, the tree itself (see Balaustine), which is native in the Orient, but …

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ra particle following the first word of a predicate. {1} only [predicate] and nothing else. Si Pidru ra ang mitábang …

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sea turtle ENGLISH

Any one of several very large species of chelonians having the feet converted into paddles, as the green turtle, hawkbill, …

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tab-ung CEBUANO

tab-ung v [A; ac1] keep fruits in a dark, warm place to hasten ripening. -in-an n {1} fruit ripened in …

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wárì v {1} [A; a2] confuse s. o. and mislead him. Waríun nátù ang mga bátà arun dílì makabantay inigpanlákaw …

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zealot ENGLISH

One who is zealous; one who engages warmly in any cause, and pursues his object with earnestness and ardor; especially, …

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