"Vitric" is a word in ENGLISH

vitric ENGLISH

Having the nature and qualities of glass; glasslike; --
distinguished from ceramic.

Few words of positivity

The Bible is not a witness to the best people making it up to God; it's a witness to God making it down to the worst people. Far from being a book full of moral heroes whom we are commanded to emulate, what we discover is that the so-called heroes in the Bible are not really heroes at all. They fall and fail; they make huge mistakes; they get afraid; they're selfish, deceptive, egotistical, and unreliable. The Bible is one long story of God meeting our rebellion with His rescue, our sin with His salvation, our guilt with His grace, our badness with His goodness.

Tullian Tchividjian, One Way Love: Inexhaustible Grace for an Exhausted World

Laugh your heart out.

Two old men were sat on a bench outside a nursing home having a chat. "How areyou, Richard?" asked George. "I'm not feeling too good today, I'm utterlyexhausted," replied Richard. "I've pulled a muscle, and it's killing me." "I'msurprised that a pulled muscle makes you feel so tired," said George. Richardyawned and said, "Well, it does if you pull it a hundred times in one night."

abandon ENGLISH

A complete giving up to natural impulses; freedom from artificial constraint; careless freedom or ease.

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aberrant ENGLISH

Deviating from the ordinary or natural type; exceptional; abnormal.

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aberration ENGLISH

The act of wandering; deviation, especially from truth or moral rectitude, from the natural state, or from a type.

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absinthian ENGLISH

Of the nature of wormwood.

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abstraction ENGLISH

An idea or notion of an abstract, or theoretical nature; as, to fight for mere abstractions.

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abstractive ENGLISH

Having the power of abstracting; of an abstracting nature.

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Abstract Of Title LAW AND LEGAL

A condensed' history of tbe title to land, consisting of a synopsis or summary of the material or op-erative portion …

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Improper treatment or use; application to a wrong or bad purpose; misuse; as, an abuse of our natural powers; an …

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accelerate ENGLISH

To quicken the natural or ordinary progression or process of; as, to accelerate the growth of a plant, the increase …

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accent ENGLISH

A mark or character used in writing, and serving to regulate the pronunciation; esp.: (a) a mark to indicate the …

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accidental ENGLISH

A sharp, flat, or natural, occurring not at the commencement of a piece of music as the signature, but before …

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accipitral ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or of the nature of, a falcon or hawk; hawklike.

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acclimatize ENGLISH

To inure or habituate to a climate different from that which is natural; to adapt to the peculiarities of a …

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accordingly ENGLISH

In natural sequence; consequently; so.

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A detailed statement of the mutual demands in the nature of debt and credit between parties, arising out of con

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accretion ENGLISH

A growing together of parts naturally separate, as of the fingers toes.

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accretion ENGLISH

The act of increasing by natural growth; esp. the increase of organic bodies by the internal accession of parts; organic …

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The levelers in the reign of Hen. I., who acknowledged no head or superior. Leges H. 1; Cowell. Also certain …

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In Mexican law. A ditch, channel, or canal, through whlch water, diverted from its natural course, is conducted, for use …

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acerose ENGLISH

Having the nature of chaff; chaffy.

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