"Uprush" is a word in ENGLISH

uprush ENGLISH

Act of rushing upward; an upbreak or upburst; as, an uprush
of lava.

uprush ENGLISH

To rush upward.

Few words of positivity

Philosophically, I am a logical empiricist and materialist, and I am a veteran of over 400 radio and TV interviews and debates. I am a Christ-myth advocate and am pursuing research into how Christianity could have begun without a historical Jesus of Nazareth. I am married with one daughter and three grandchildren.

Frank R. Zindler

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Agnes !Agnes who ?Agnes & Topeka & the Santa Fe !

advance ENGLISH

The act of advancing or moving forward or upward; progress.

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Opposed to, or checking motion; acting upward; -- applied to an inverted action of the intestinal tube.

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ascent ENGLISH

The act of rising; motion upward; rise; a mounting upward; as, he made a tedious ascent; the ascent of vapors …

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levation ENGLISH

The act of raising; elevation; upward motion, as that produced by the action of a levator muscle.

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pa- - A very frequently used prefix with the following meanings: 1) Movement or direction towards, e.g. paidálum—downwards, down; paibábaw— …

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repercussion ENGLISH

In a vaginal examination, the act of imparting through the uterine wall with the finger a shock to the fetus, …

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The act of soaring; upward flight.

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supination ENGLISH

The act of turning the hand palm upward; also, position of the hand with the palm upward.

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supination ENGLISH

The act or state of lying with the face upward. Opposed to pronation.

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A throwing upward, or with a jerk; the act of tossing; as, the toss of a ball.

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tossing ENGLISH

The act of throwing upward; a rising and falling suddenly; a rolling and tumbling.

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upburst ENGLISH

The act of bursting upwards; a breaking through to the surface; an upbreak or uprush; as, an upburst of molten …

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