"Unconcerned" is a word in ENGLISH

unconcerned ENGLISH

Not concerned; not anxious or solicitous; easy in
mind; carelessly secure; indifferent; as, to be unconcerned at what has
happened; to be unconcerned about the future.

Few words of positivity

Foolish potato, talking to her like that won’t work. You’ve got to be mean and show off your foil-wrapped rigidity.

Michael Diack, The Super Spud Trilogy

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.


banà ka-, paka- v [A13; c] dílì, walà fail to pay attention, remain unconcerned. Walà siya magkabanà (magpakabanà) sa ákung …

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careless ENGLISH

Having no care; not taking ordinary or proper care; negligent; unconcerned; heedless; inattentive; unmindful; regardless.

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Wanting in ardor, intensity, warmth, zeal, or passion; spiritless; unconcerned; reserved.

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dî- - A negative prefix similar to the English in- and un-, e.g. dîhímpit— not perfect, imperfect; dî mahinulsúlon—not contrite, …

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gunuk v [A; a12] make a move, stir. Ayawg gunuka ang bá-tang natúlug, Dont stir the sleeping child. Wà lang …

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Not apprehensive; regardless; unconcerned.

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indifferent ENGLISH

Feeling no interest, anxiety, or care, respecting anything; unconcerned; inattentive; apathetic; heedless; as, to be indifferent to the welfare of …

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A heresy consisting in an unconcern for any particular creed, provided the morals be right and good.

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insensible ENGLISH

Not susceptible of emotion or passion; void of feeling; apathetic; unconcerned; indifferent; as, insensible to danger, fear, love, etc.; -- …

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insouciance ENGLISH

Carelessness; heedlessness; thoughtlessness; unconcern.

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insouciant ENGLISH

Careless; heedless; indifferent; unconcerned.

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limugmug CEBUANO

limugmug v {1} [AN; c1] rinse the mouth out. Mulimugmug (manlimugmug) giyud ku human ug káun, I rinse my mouth …

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mapatugsilingon HILIGAYNON

mapatugsilíngon - Considerate, thoughtful, mindful of, having regard or consideration for, conscientious. (cf. patugsíling). mapa-ít – mapungáy mapatumbayáon, Negligent, unconcerned, …

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pagkawaláypasapayán - Indifferentism, indifference, carelessless, unconcern, apathy. (cf. sapayán).

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pasaburat HILIGAYNON

pasaburát - To have no regard or concern for consequences, do or say something regardless of whether it is good …

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pasapayan HILIGAYNON

pasapayán - To do something with complete indifference as to the outcome, be regardless of consequences. Nagapasapayán lang siá sang …

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pinasapayanon HILIGAYNON

pinasapayánon - Unconcerned, indifferent, phlegmatic, easy-going, devilmay-care, careless, listless, unsolicitous. (cf. pasapayán).

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ságad sagdi short for pasagdi. see pa-(), 2a. pa- v [A2S; b6] {1} do s.t. without adequate preparation or forethought. …

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sápak - Recollection, mind, thinking, regard, consideration for consequences. Walâ siá sing sápak. He does not mind (does not think …

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talak-talak HILIGAYNON

talák-talák - Careless, thoughtless, unconcerned; to be careless or indifferent about, be unconcerned or easy-going, pay no attention to, take …

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