"Limugmug" is a word in CEBUANO

limugmug CEBUANO

limugmug v {1} [AN; c1] rinse the mouth out.
Mulimugmug (manlimugmug) giyud ku human ug káun, I rinse my mouth after I eat.
{1a} [A; b] slosh water around in the mouth to warm it and spit it out on s.t.
to bathe it.
Limugmúgi ang sunuy matag buntag, Bathe the cock every morning with water you slosh around in your mouth.
{2} [AP; a] take a drink of liquor, usually in a large gulp (humorous slang).
Mulimugmug (manlimugmug) siyag usa ka básung tubà, He will gulp down a glass of toddy.
{3} [c] be unconcerned about s.t.
says or s.t.
embarrassing that happens.
Way kapuslánan ang kasábà, gilimugmug lang, No use scolding him.
It runs o?
him like water o?
a ducks back.
He just gargles with it.
) -an() n {1} the oral cavity.
{1a} by extension, the throat.
{2} the outside of this area: the cheeks, including the lower part of the jaw and the base of the ear.
{3} the place in a monkeys mouth where he stores food.

Few words of positivity

Stick and stones may break your bones but harsh words can hurt as much to anyone. What comes out of your tongue can be a bleating or a curse, or for better or for worst, so think several times for what you spit out can't be recover anymore.you should not spit flame, what will hurt just keep it . Think of the consequences after the damage.

Victoria Samio

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the farmer put his cow on the scales?He wanted to see how much the milky weighed!

archer fish ENGLISH

A small fish (Toxotes jaculator), of the East Indies; -- so called from its ejecting drops of water from its …

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black bass ENGLISH

An edible, fresh-water fish of the United States, of the genus Micropterus. the small-mouthed kind is M. dolomiei; the large-mouthed …

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buga2 Active Verb: bumuga Passive Verb: ibuga Definition: 1) to spit or blow some liquid from the mouth -- BUMUGA …

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buga1 Active Verb: magbuga Passive Verb: bugahan Definition: 1) to spit or blow some liquid from the mouth -- BUMUGA …

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bugwak CEBUANO

bugwak v {1} [AN; b6(1)] spit, blow s.t. out of the mouth. Ayaw ibugwak ang tambal, Do not spit the …

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bukálwà - To issue, come forth, spill, flow over. Nagabukálwà ang túbig. The water is being spilled or is flowing …

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bulhut CEBUANO

bulhut v {1} [A; ac] blow s.t. out of s.t. Bulhúta ang kandílà, Blow out the candle. Gibulhútan aku níyag …

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n. bubble, foam, froth, lather. v. /AG-/ 1. to boil. Agburburek ti danomen. The water is already boiling. 2. to …

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canker ENGLISH

A corroding or sloughing ulcer; esp. a spreading gangrenous ulcer or collection of ulcers in or about the mouth; -- …

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Anything towed in the water to retard a ship's progress, or to keep her head up to the wind; esp., …

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duum v [A; c] {1} put s.t. in the mouth and eat it hastily. Giduum sa bátà ang tanang kindi …

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emboguing ENGLISH

The mouth of a river, or place where its waters are discharged.

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gargle ENGLISH

A liquid, as water or some medicated preparation, used to cleanse the mouth and throat, especially for a medical effect.

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gargle ENGLISH

To wash or rinse, as the mouth or throat, particular the latter, agitating the liquid (water or a medicinal preparation) …

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gorgorita HILIGAYNON

gorgoríta - (Sp. gorgorita) A water-cooler made of earthenware; a narrow-mouthed jar or pot for cooling water.

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hanghang CEBUANO

hanghang v {1} [A; a12] for infants to have their mouth open, yearning for food. Naghanghang ang gutum nga pisù, …

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karamba ILOKANO

n. a large jar with a wide mouth used especially for fetching and storing water.

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kettle ENGLISH

A metallic vessel, with a wide mouth, often without a cover, used for heating and boiling water or other liguids.

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A conical valve, opening outward, to close the mouth of a pipe which passes through the side of a vessel …

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kíput v {1} [AB2; ab7] for an opening to become closed or s.t. exposed to get to be covered or …

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