"Unassured" is a word in ENGLISH

unassured ENGLISH

Not assured; not bold or confident.

unassured ENGLISH

Not insured against loss; as, unassured goods.

unassured ENGLISH

Not to be trusted.

Few words of positivity

I could see why Archimedes got all excited. There was nothing finer than the feeling that came rushing through you when it clicked and you suddenly understood something that had puzzled you. It made you think it just might be possible to get a handle on this old world after all.

Jeannette Walls, Half Broke Horses

Laugh your heart out.

A young teenaged girl was a prostitute and, for obvious reasons, kept it a secret from her grandma. One day, the police raided a brothel and arrested a group of prostitutes, including the young girl. The prostitutes were instructed to line up in a straight line on the sidewalk. Well, who should be walking in the neighborhood, but little old Grandma. The young girl was frantic. Sure enough, Grandma noticed her young granddaughter and asked curiously, "What are you lining up for, dear?" Not willing to let grandma in on her little secret, the young girl told her that some people were passing out free oranges and that she was lining up for some. "Mmm, sounds lovely," said Grandma. "I think I'll have some myself," she continued as she made her way to the back of the line. A police officer made his way down the line, questioning all of the prostitutes. When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered. "But you're so old... how do you do it?" Grandma replied, "Oh, it's quite easy, sonny... I just remove my dentures and suck 'em dry!"


To pass upon judicially; to decide, settle, or decree; to sentence or condemn. webb v. Bidwell, 15 Minn. 479, (Gil. …

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Adjustment LAW AND LEGAL

In the law of insur-ance, the adjustment of a loss ls the ascer-tninment of Its amount and the ratable distribution …

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The making over, pawn-lng, or mortgaging a thing to assure tbe pay-ment of a sum of money, or the discharge …

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affeer ENGLISH

To confirm; to assure.

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affiance ENGLISH

To assure by promise.

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aplomb ENGLISH

Assurance of manner or of action; self-possession.

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ascertain ENGLISH

To render (a person) certain; to cause to feel certain; to make confident; to assure; to apprise.

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Assecurare LAW AND LEGAL

To assure, or make se-* cure by pledges, or any solemn interposition of faith. Cowell; Spelman

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assecuration ENGLISH

Assurance; certainty.

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Assecuration LAW AND LEGAL

In European law. Assurance; insurance of a vessel, freight, or cargo. Ferriere

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assecure ENGLISH

To make sure or safe; to assure.

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assert ENGLISH

To affirm; to declare with assurance, or plainly and strongly; to state positively; to aver; to asseverate.

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assurance ENGLISH

Excess of boldness; impudence; audacity; as, his assurance is intolerable.

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assurance ENGLISH

Any written or other legal evidence of the conveyance of property; a conveyance; a deed.

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assurance ENGLISH

The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty.

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assurance ENGLISH

Insurance; a contract for the payment of a sum on occasion of a certain event, as loss or death.

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assurance ENGLISH

Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity; courage; confidence; self-reliance.

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assurance ENGLISH

The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence.

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assurance ENGLISH

Betrothal; affiance.

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In conveyancing. A

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