"Affection" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH


The making over, pawn-lng, or mortgaging a thing to assure tbe pay-ment of a sum of money, or the discharge of some other duty or service. Crabb, Technol. Dict

affection ENGLISH

Passion; violent emotion.

affection ENGLISH

A settled good will; kind feeling; love; zealous or
tender attachment; -- often in the pl. Formerly followed by to, but now
more generally by for or towards; as, filial, social, or conjugal
affections; to have an affection for or towards children.

affection ENGLISH

Bent of mind; a feeling or natural impulse or natural
impulse acting upon and swaying the mind; any emotion; as, the
benevolent affections, esteem, gratitude, etc.; the malevolent
affections, hatred, envy, etc.; inclination; disposition; propensity;

affection ENGLISH

The lively representation of any emotion.

affection ENGLISH

An attribute; a quality or property; a condition; a
bodily state; as, figure, weight, etc. , are affections of bodies.

affection ENGLISH

Prejudice; bias.

affection ENGLISH


affection ENGLISH

The act of affecting or acting upon; the state of being

affection ENGLISH

Disease; morbid symptom; malady; as, a pulmonary

Few words of positivity

When people say, "Oh you're so cocky. You're so arrogant," I feel like they're telling me that I think too highly of myself. My question for them is: "Who are you to tell me that I need to think less of myself?

Ronda Rousey, My Fight / Your Fight

Laugh your heart out.

A lady with a large flowery hat was stopped at the church door by theusher. "Are you a friend of the bride ?" he asked."Certainly not," she snapped, "I'm the groom's mother."

Abstract Of Title LAW AND LEGAL

A condensed' history of tbe title to land, consisting of a synopsis or summary of the material or op-erative portion …

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accismus ENGLISH

Affected refusal; coyness.

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A pustular affection of the skin, due to changes in the sebaceous glands.

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acrotic ENGLISH

Pertaining to or affecting the surface.

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active ENGLISH

Applied to verbs which assert that the subject acts upon or affects something else; transitive.

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As a prefix ad- assumes the forms ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, assimilating the d with …

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adfected ENGLISH

See Affected, 5.

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adikdikon HILIGAYNON

adikdikón - Full of dandruff, scurfy, one affected with dandruff.

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admire ENGLISH

To wonder; to marvel; to be affected with surprise; -- sometimes with at.

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To love in the highest degree; to regard with the utmost esteem and affection; to idolize.

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adj. /NAG-/ many, much, plenty, numerous. Immay ti adu nga tao. Many people came. AG- [pt. NAG-, prp. AG- + …

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affect ENGLISH

To act upon; to produce an effect or change upon.

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affect ENGLISH

To tend to by affinity or disposition.

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affect ENGLISH

To make a show of; to put on a pretense of; to feign; to assume; as, to affect ignorance.

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affect ENGLISH

To assign; to appoint.

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affect ENGLISH

To influence or move, as the feelings or passions; to touch.

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affect ENGLISH

Affection; inclination; passion; feeling; disposition.

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affect ENGLISH

To aim at; to aspire; to covet.

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affect ENGLISH

To love; to regard with affection.

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affect ENGLISH

To dispose or incline.

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