"Unanut" is a word in CEBUANO

unanut CEBUANO

unanut v [A3P] do s.t.
with di?
culty or with great e?
Nag-unanut ku sa ákung mga sabdyiks rung tuíga, I am having dif-ficulty with my subjects this year.
Nag-unanut ku pagbira sa pyánu, It was a great e?
ort to move the piano.

Few words of positivity

Let thy true religion be to act right.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Laugh your heart out.

What has four legs, a tail, whiskers and flies? A dead cat.

The Anglo-Saxon domain (i. e., Great Britain and the United States, etc.); the Anglo-Saxon race.

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budlay CEBUANO

budlay a tiring, tiresome. Budlay kaáyu ning magguna sa ínit, Its tiring to cut grass in the sun. Budlay kaáyu …

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In oid English law. A county or shire; the body of a county. The territorial jurisdiction of a comes, i. …

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In old English law. Kin-dred; cousinship. Also a writ that lay for the heir where the tres oil, i. e., …

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deep-sea ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the deeper parts of the sea; as, a deep-sea line (i. e., a line to take …

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gastu v {1} [A2; a] spend money. Nakagastu silag dakù sa dispidída, They spent a large amount of money for …

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gugul, gúgul v [A; c1] {1} spend money on, appropriate money. Ug gugulan nang baláya ug kinsi mil, gwápu giyud, …

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Gynsgooragy LAW AND LEGAL

r GYNSGOORAGY. Gov-ernment by a woman; a state in whlch women are legally capable of the supreme command; e. g., …

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hanghang CEBUANO

hanghang v {1} [A; a12] for infants to have their mouth open, yearning for food. Naghanghang ang gutum nga pisù, …

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idyaidya CEBUANO

idyaidya (from íyahumorous. ) Short for idyaidya ahùáhù, so called from the Bohol pronunciation of íya his and ákù mine. …

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in-, -in- HILIGAYNON

in-, -in- - The prefix in- and the intercalation -in- are often used: 1) instead of gin- and na- to …

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kák v [A; c1] cock a firearm. Gáhì kákun (ikák) ang gáran, It takes a great e? ort to cock …

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kaskas CEBUANO

kaskas v {1} [A; a1] dig in, scratch to get a foothold. Makakaskas kining ligíra bísan dangug ang dálan, This …

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kúgi v [A; b(1)] do s.t. with a little extra e? ort. Wà giyud ninyuy nakakúgig limpiyu sa salug, nu? …

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kutas a {1} panting for breath from exhaustion. Kutas bayà kaáyu. Ayaw giyud kug sugúa, Im so exhausted. Dont make …

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lisud a {1} di? cult. Lisud kaáyu ning liksiyúna, This lesson is very di? cult. {2} in short supply, requiring …

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lunga, lungà v {1} [A2C23; b(1)] give up doing s.t. which one had been doing with great expenditure of e? …

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munamuna CEBUANO

munamúna a doing s.t. to the best of ones ability, with max-imum e? ort. Munamúna giyud nákung dágan apan wà …

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pwirsa CEBUANO

pwirsa a {1} strong in intensity, force. Pwirsa kaáyu ang hángin sa miáging bagyu, The last typhoon brought very strong …

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sakripisyu CEBUANO

sakripisyu a requiring an extraordinary expenditure of time, ef-fort, or money. Sakripisyu kaáyu nákù ning ákung pag-iskuyla kay magtrabáhu pud …

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