"Tunggul" is a word in CEBUANO

tunggul CEBUANO

tunggul a stupid, having no common sense.
Tunggul kaáyu nímu uy nga dì ka man makasabut ug sugúun, How stupid you are!
You dont understand when you are told to do s.t.

Few words of positivity

God, you don't just barge in on my father, and definitely not my mother."No way. You check with their personal secretaries first. Check out their moods. Then you make an appointment to slip in. There are basic things you learn when your parents run a planet.

Mike Shepherd, Mutineer

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What is the best blonde secretary in the world to have?A: One that never misses a period.

Astriction To A Mill LAW AND LEGAL

A servitude by which grain growing on certain lands or brought within them must he carried to a certaiu mill …

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surface ENGLISH

The exterior part of anything that has length and breadth; one of the limits that bound a solid, esp. the …

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basenet ENGLISH

To have habitually in stock for sale.

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caressingly ENGLISH

In caressing manner.

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drawback ENGLISH

Money paid back or remitted; especially, a certain amount of duties or customs, sometimes the whole, and sometimes only a …

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hogger-pump ENGLISH

The for pump in the pit.

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drawable ENGLISH

Capable of being drawn.

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intervener ENGLISH

One who intervenes; especially (Law), a person who assumes a part in a suit between others.

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milkwort ENGLISH

A genus of plants (Polygala) of many species. The common European P. vulgaris was supposed to have the power of …

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paltus CEBUANO

paltus v [B26] fail in ones plans or strategy. Mipaltus ang íyang plánung manúlis kay hipanid-an man, His plans for …

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maálhom - Difficult to light, not burning well, slow burning, smouldering. (cf. álhom, maalúm, maarúm).

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basyaw CEBUANO

basyaw v [B26] for a depressed area to gather water. Mubasyaw (mabasyaw) ang nátad inig-ulan, The yard becomes a pool …

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siklut CEBUANO

siklut n = balinsay. v {1} = balinsay, v1. {2} [A; c6] flip s.t. with the fingers by holding the …

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To cover or keep in check; as, to mask a body of troops or a fortess by a superior force, …

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Whole; not divided; entire; full; complete; absolute; as, a total departure from the evidence; a total loss.

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soften ENGLISH

To make soft or more soft.

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ostium ENGLISH

An opening; a passage.

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