"Tukgaw" is a word in CEBUANO

tukgaw CEBUANO

tukgaw = lukgaw.

Few words of positivity

Just as people asked ‘Why do they hate us?’ after 9/11, one evening I asked my father, ‘Why did they do this to us?’ He took a long breath and paused, deeply concerned about what he was about to say. ‘The Muslims bombed us because we are Christians. They want us dead because they hate us’ This hate was not because we had armies in the Middle East or because we supported Israel or for any of the reasons people easily turn to today. It was because we were Christians, infidels. As a child, I was just too young to understand all the political implications, but I understood one thing: people wanted to kill me simply because I was a Christian.

Brigitte Gabriel, Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America

Laugh your heart out.

At what time do most people go to the dentist?At tooth-hurty (2:30).

dihexagonal ENGLISH

Consisting of two hexagonal parts united; thus, a dihexagonal pyramid is composed of two hexagonal pyramids placed base to base.

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A kind of cheese made at Gruyere, Switzerland. It is a firm cheese containing numerous cells, and is known in …

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rattle ENGLISH

Noisy, rapid talk.

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unmaterial ENGLISH

Not material; immaterial.

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To pass along smoothly or unobservedly; to move gently onward without friction or hindrance; as, a ship or boat slides …

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kutsába - (Probably a corruption of the Sp. ochava) A small bowl, cup or vessel for drawing liquids from jars …

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spermatism ENGLISH

The emission of sperm, or semen.

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unconstant ENGLISH

Not constant; inconstant; fickle; changeable.

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ansir n answer. v [A; c] answer a letter, question, problem. Ansíran ku na ba nang sulat? Shall I answer …

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rescuable ENGLISH

That may be rescued.

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A yellowish deposit or powdery coating which appears on well-tanned leather.

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itsar v {1} [A123P; b] cause to move the bowels. Giitsaran (giitsahan) siyag dalì sa purga, The purgative caused her …

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fenestral ENGLISH

Pertaining to a window or to windows.

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dioptric ENGLISH

Alt. of Dioptrical

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findfaulting ENGLISH

Apt to censure or cavil; faultfinding; captious.

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tranquillizer ENGLISH

One who, or that which, tranquilizes.

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autoplastic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to autoplasty.

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burden ENGLISH

The verse repeated in a song, or the return of the theme at the end of each stanza; the chorus; …

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A float board. See Float board (below).

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