"Tritone" is a word in ENGLISH

tritone ENGLISH

A superfluous or augmented fourth.

Few words of positivity

...The happy Warrior... is he... whose powers shed round him in the common strife, or mild concerns of ordinary life, a constant influence, a peculiar grace; but who, if he be called upon to face some awful moment to which Heaven has joined great issues, good or bad for human kind, is happy as a lover; and attired with sudden brightness, like a man inspired; and, through the heat of conflict, keeps the law in calmness made, and sees what he foresaw; or if an unexpected call succeed, come when it will, is equal to the need: he who, though thus endued as with a sense and faculty for storm and turbulence, is yet a soul whose master-bias leans to homefelt pleasures and to gentle scenes; sweet images! which, wheresoe'er he be, are at his heart; and such fidelity it is his darling passion to approve; more brave for this, that he hath much to love:—

William Wordsworth, Character of the Happy Warrior

Laugh your heart out.

With the divorce rate so high in America, a new organization has beenformed called "Marriage Anonymous." Whenever a guy feels like gettingmarried, they send over a woman with crulers in her hair, cream on herface and wearing a torn housecoat to nag him out of it.

abundance ENGLISH

An overflowing fullness; ample sufficiency; great plenty; profusion; copious supply; superfluity; wealth: -- strictly applicable to quantity only, but sometimes …

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abusar CEBUANO

abusar v {1} [A3; b(1)] a do s.t. one is not entitled to, take advantage of s. o. by infringing …

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by simply removing what is erroneous, corrupt, superfluous, faulty, and the like;

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blotter ENGLISH

One who, or that which, blots; esp. a device for absorbing superfluous ink.

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A kind of thick, bibulous, unsized paper, used to absorb superfluous ink from freshly written manuscript, and thus prevent blots.

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cesspool ENGLISH

A cistern in the course, or the termination, of a drain, to collect sedimentary or superfluous matter; a privy vault; …

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corollary ENGLISH

That which is given beyond what is actually due, as a garland of flowers in addition to wages; surplus; something …

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To press, force, or drive, particularly in filling, or in thrusting one thing into another; to stuff; to crowd; to …

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defect ENGLISH

Want or absence of something necessary for completeness or perfection; deficiency; -- opposed to superfluity.

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discard ENGLISH

To throw out of one's hand, as superfluous cards; to lay aside (a card or cards).

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doctor ENGLISH

Any mechanical contrivance intended to remedy a difficulty or serve some purpose in an exigency; as, the doctor of a …

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drainage ENGLISH

The system of drains and their operation, by which superfluous water is removed from towns, railway beds, mines, and other …

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ductor ENGLISH

A contrivance for removing superfluous ink or coloring matter from a roller. See Doctor, 4.

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To immerse or steep, as calico, in a bath of hot water containing cow dung; -- done to remove the …

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encumber ENGLISH

To impede the motion or action of, as with a burden; to retard with something superfluous; to weigh down; to …

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Ex Abundanti LAW AND LEGAL

out of abundance; abundantly; superfluously; more than suffl-cient Calvin

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excess ENGLISH

The state of surpassing or going beyond limits; the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty; that which …

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excrescence ENGLISH

An excrescent appendage, as, a wart or tumor; anything growing out unnaturally from anything else; a preternatural or morbid development; …

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excrescent ENGLISH

Growing out in an abnormal or morbid manner or as a superfluity.

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expletive ENGLISH

Filling up; hence, added merely for the purpose of filling up; superfluous.

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