"Triadic" is a word in ENGLISH

triadic ENGLISH

Having the characteristics of a triad; as, boron is

Few words of positivity

(I)f you're not honest with yourself, life will never be honest with you.

Leigh Brackett, The Long Tomorrow

Laugh your heart out.

What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree ?A pineapple !

accent ENGLISH

Modulation of the voice in speaking; manner of speaking or pronouncing; peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice; tone; as, …

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To cause to grow old; to impart the characteristics of age to; as, grief ages us.

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albumin ENGLISH

A thick, viscous nitrogenous substance, which is the chief and characteristic constituent of white of eggs and of the serum …

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aldermanic ENGLISH

Relating to, becoming to, or like, an alderman; characteristic of an alderman.

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amarine ENGLISH

A characteristic crystalline substance, obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

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amaurotic ENGLISH

Affected with amaurosis; having the characteristics of amaurosis.

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americanism ENGLISH

A custom peculiar to the United States or to America; an American characteristic or idea.

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americanize ENGLISH

To render American; to assimilate to the Americans in customs, ideas, etc.; to stamp with American characteristics.

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n. meaning, essence; flavor, characteristic property. Daytoy ti anag ti biag ko. This is the meaning of my life.

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androgynal ENGLISH

Uniting both sexes in one, or having the characteristics of both; being in nature both male and female; hermaphroditic.

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angelical ENGLISH

Belonging to, or proceeding from, angels; resembling, characteristic of, or partaking of the nature of, an angel; heavenly; divine.

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anglican ENGLISH

Pertaining to, characteristic of, or held by, the high church party of the Church of England.

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anglicism ENGLISH

The quality of being English; an English characteristic, custom, or method.

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A characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race; especially, a word or an idiom of the Anglo-Saxon tongue.

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anisopoda ENGLISH

A division of Crustacea, which, in some its characteristics, is intermediate between Amphipoda and Isopoda.

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anomaly ENGLISH

Any deviation from the essential characteristics of a specific type.

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The ascription of human characteristics to things not human.

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-anun adjective forming a? x added to roots which are nouns and which usually occur in the alternant -nun, with …

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aphthae ENGLISH

Roundish pearl-colored specks or flakes in the mouth, on the lips, etc., terminating in white sloughs. They are commonly characteristic …

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archaeopteryx ENGLISH

A fossil bird, of the Jurassic period, remarkable for having a long tapering tail of many vertebrae with feathers along …

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