"Traditional" is a word in ENGLISH

traditional ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to tradition; derived from tradition;
communicated from ancestors to descendants by word only; transmitted
from age to age without writing; as, traditional opinions; traditional
customs; traditional expositions of the Scriptures.

traditional ENGLISH

Observant of tradition; attached to old customs;

Few words of positivity

Then, Éowyn of Rohan, I say to you that you are beautiful. In the valleys of our hills there are flowers fair and bright, and maidens fairer still; but neither flower nor lady have I seen till now in Gondor so lovely, and so sorrowful. It may be that only a few days are left ere darkness falls upon our world, and when it comes I hope to face it steadily; but it would ease my heart, if while the Sun yet shines, I could see you still. For you and I have both passed under the wings of the Shadow, and the same hand drew us back.

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

Laugh your heart out.

What do lawyers do after they die?They lie still.

alamat TAGALOG

alamat Definition: (noun) folklore, tradition

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alcoranist ENGLISH

One who adheres to the letter of the Koran, rejecting all traditions.

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alínton - To transfer, hand over, deliver to, hand down; come down to, be conveyed or transferred. Ang íya sinâ …

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Bonitarian Ownership LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law. A species of equitable title to things, os distinguished from a title acqnir-ed according to the strict …

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Tradition; occult doctrine. See Cabala

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cabala ENGLISH

A kind of occult theosophy or traditional interpretation of the Scriptures among Jewish rabbis and certain mediaeval Christians, which treats …

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cabalist ENGLISH

One versed in the cabala, or the mysteries of Jewish traditions.

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clannish ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a clan; closely united, like a clan; disposed to associate only with one's clan or clique; …

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Consuetudinary Law LAW AND LEGAL

Customary law. Law derived by oral tradition from a remote antiquity. Bell

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conventional ENGLISH

Based upon tradition, whether religious and historical or of artistic rules.

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That which is received or established by convention or arbitrary agreement; that which is in accordance with the fashion, tradition, …

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To represent according to an established principle, whether religious or traditional, or based upon certain artistic rules of supposed importance.

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A member of a social and benevolent order, founded in London in 1781, and professedly based on the traditions of …

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halacha ENGLISH

The general term for the Hebrew oral or traditional law; one of two branches of exposition in the Midrash. See …

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haluk n kiss, sni? , putting the nose next to the person kissed. v {1} [AC; b] kiss. Nagháluk sila …

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íkug n {1} tail, or analogous structure. Midágan pinabahag ang íkug, He ran o? with his tail between his legs. …

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immemorial ENGLISH

Extending beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition; indefinitely ancient; as, existing from time immemorial.

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ironbound ENGLISH

Rigid; unyielding; as, ironbound traditions.

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judas-colored ENGLISH

Red; -- from a tradition that Judas Iscariot had red hair and beard.

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kostumbre TAGALOG

kostumbre Definition: (noun) custom, habit, tradition 2 Definition: (syn) ugali

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