"Conventional" is a word in ENGLISH

conventional ENGLISH

Based upon tradition, whether religious and
historical or of artistic rules.

conventional ENGLISH

Formed by agreement or compact; stipulated.

conventional ENGLISH

Growing out of, or depending on, custom or tacit
agreement; sanctioned by general concurrence or usage; formal.

conventional ENGLISH

Abstracted; removed from close representation of
nature by the deliberate selection of what is to be represented and
what is to be rejected; as, a conventional flower; a conventional
shell. Cf. Conventionalize, v. t.

Few words of positivity

Her voice had suddenly jumped a couple of social classes to underline her ownership status.

Joe Cawley

Laugh your heart out.

There was a farmer who raised watermelons. He was disturbed by some local kids who would sneak into his watermelon patch at night and eat watermelons. After some careful thought he came up with a clever idea that he thought would scare the kids away for sure. So he made up the sign and posted it in the field. The next day the kids show up and they see this sign, it says "Warning!! One of the watermelons in this field has been injected with cyanide."So the kids run off, make up their own sign and post it next to the sign that the farmer made. The farmer shows up the next week and when he looks over the field he notices that no watermelons are missing but he notices a new sign next to his. He drives up to the sign which read: "Now there are two".

armistice ENGLISH

A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.

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An agreement or contract. Usually applled to conventions between na-tlons or soverelgn states

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convention ENGLISH

An agreement or contract less formal than, or preliminary to, a treaty; an informal compact, as between commanders of armies …

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convention ENGLISH

General agreement or concurrence; arbitrary custom; usage; conventionality.

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That which is received or established by convention or arbitrary agreement; that which is in accordance with the fashion, tradition, …

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Lat. In tbe civU law. A pact. An agreement or convention without specific na/ne, and without consideration, which, however, might, …

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