"Tinguli" is a word in HILIGAYNON


tingulî - To recuperate, regain—,
recover—, get back—, one’s appetite, relish

tíngyo – tióg-tióg
food again. Nagatingulî na ang íya
ginháwa sa pagkáon. He is regaining a
relish for food.

Few words of positivity

Not everyone can understand your language like using "BTW", "BRB", "SAA" and many other such type of short words.

Deyth Banger

Laugh your heart out.

Men are like curling irons. They're always hot, and they're always in your hair.


ánggot - To get used to take proper food, to get a liking for, or to relish, proper food, applied …

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appetite ENGLISH

Desire for, or relish of, food or drink; hunger.

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condiment ENGLISH

Something used to give relish to food, and to gratify the taste; a pungment and appetizing substance, as pepper or …

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dawát - To relish food again, begin to eat again, get back one’s appetite. (cf. hawát).

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disrelish ENGLISH

Want of relish; dislike (of the palate or of the mind); distaste; a slight degree of disgust; as, a disrelish …

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duya-duya HILIGAYNON

duyâ-duyâ - To be completely full or satisfied, have no appetite any longer, loathe food on account of having already …

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flavor ENGLISH

That quality of anything which affects the taste; that quality which gratifies the palate; relish; zest; savor; as, the flavor …

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gána - (Sp. gana) Appetite, relish, mind, inclination, leaning, wish, desire, liking for. Walâ akó sing gána sa pagkáon. I …

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hawát - To get back one’s appetite, have a renewed zest for food, relish or take proper food again. Ang …

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lasap2 Active Verb: lumasap Passive Verb: lasapin Definition: (verb) to relish the taste of food; to enjoy (something) 2 Definition: …

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relish ENGLISH

That which is used to impart a flavor; specifically, something taken with food to render it more palatable or to …

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relish ENGLISH

To taste or eat with pleasure; to like the flavor of; to partake of with gratification; hence, to enjoy; to …

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A preparation of vegetables, as lettuce, celery, water cress, onions, etc., usually dressed with salt, vinegar, oil, and spice, and …

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Stewed or preserved fruit eaten with other food as a relish; as, apple sauce, cranberry sauce, etc.

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A composition of condiments and appetizing ingredients eaten with food as a relish; especially, a dressing for meat or fish …

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season ENGLISH

To fit for taste; to render palatable; to give zest or relish to; to spice; as, to season food.

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seasoning ENGLISH

That which is added to any species of food, to give it a higher relish, as salt, spices, etc.; a …

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Figuratively, that which enriches or alters the quality of a thing in a small degree, as spice alters the taste …

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