"Tilu" is a word in CEBUANO


tílù = tíluk.

Few words of positivity

Ask yourself:Am I living my past, present or future?

Avina Celeste

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the nutty kid throw a glass of water out of the window? He wanted to see a waterfall.

hydrobromate ENGLISH

Same as Hydrobromide.

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alatipanon HILIGAYNON

alatipanón - Attention, care, that is to be attended to,—taken care of. (cf. atipán).

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eponym ENGLISH
gonfanon ENGLISH

The ensign or standard in use by certain princes or states, such as the mediaeval republics of Italy, and in …

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profit ENGLISH

To be of service to; to be good to; to help on; to benefit; to advantage; to avail; to aid; …

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karmathian ENGLISH

One of a Mohammedan sect founded in the ninth century by Karmat.

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expressible ENGLISH

Capable of being expressed, squeezed out, shown, represented, or uttered.

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generation ENGLISH

A single step or stage in the succession of natural descent; a rank or remove in genealogy. Hence: The body …

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osteoclast ENGLISH

An instrument for performing osteoclasis.

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capacity ENGLISH

Legal or noral qualification, as of age, residence, character, etc., necessary for certain purposes, as for holding office, for marrying, …

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pasturage ENGLISH

Grass growing for feed; grazing.

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selenious ENGLISH

Of, pertaining to, or containing, selenium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted …

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Accruer, Clause Of LAW AND LEGAL

An express clause, frequently occurring in the case of gifts hy deed or will to persons as tenants in common, …

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prunus ENGLISH

A genus of trees with perigynous rosaceous flowers, and a single two-ovuled carpel which usually becomes a drupe in ripening.

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diadem ENGLISH

To adorn with a diadem; to crown.

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voltameter ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring the voltaic electricity passing through it, by its effect in decomposing water or some other chemical …

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lípas v [A2; c] not go directly over s.t. , pass around. Ilípas ang kutsi kay gubà ang taytáyan, Take …

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meterage ENGLISH

The act of measuring, or the cost of measuring.

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sanlibutan TAGALOG

sanlibutan Definition: (noun) (rw. LIBOT) universe

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