"Generation" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Generation LAW AND LEGAL

May mean either a de-gree of removal in computing descents, or a single succession of living beings ln natural descent McMillan v. School Committee, 107 N. C. 609, 12 S. E. 330, 10 L. R. A. 823

generation ENGLISH

The aggregate of the functions and phenomene which
attend reproduction.

generation ENGLISH

The formation or production of any geometrical
magnitude, as a line, a surface, a solid, by the motion, in accordance
with a mathematical law, of a point or a magnitude; as, the generation
of a line or curve by the motion of a point, of a surface by a line, a
sphere by a semicircle, etc.

generation ENGLISH

Origination by some process, mathematical, chemical, or
vital; production; formation; as, the generation of sounds, of gases,
of curves, etc.

generation ENGLISH

Race; kind; family; breed; stock.

generation ENGLISH

A single step or stage in the succession of natural
descent; a rank or remove in genealogy. Hence: The body of those who
are of the same genealogical rank or remove from an ancestor; the mass
of beings living at one period; also, the average lifetime of man, or
the ordinary period of time at which one rank follows another, or
father is succeeded by child, usually assumed to be one third of a
century; an age.

generation ENGLISH

The act of generating or begetting; procreation, as of

generation ENGLISH

That which is generated or brought forth; progeny;

Few words of positivity

Property taxes' rank right up there with 'income taxes' in terms of immorality and destructiveness. Where 'income taxes' are simply slavery using different words, 'property taxes' are just a Mafia turf racket using different words. For the former, if you earn a living on the gang's turf, they extort you. For the latter, if you own property in their territory, they extort you. The fact that most people still imagine both to be legitimate and acceptable shows just how powerful authoritarian indoctrination is. Meanwhile, even a brief objective examination of the concepts should make anyone see the lunacy of it. 'Wait, so every time I produce anything or trade with anyone, I have to give a cut to the local crime lord??' 'Wait, so I have to keep paying every year, for the privilege of keeping the property I already finished paying for??' And not only do most people not make such obvious observations, but if they hear someone else pointing out such things, the well-trained Stockholm Syndrome slaves usually make arguments condoning their own victimization. Thus is the power of the mind control that comes from repeated exposure to BS political mythology and propaganda.

Larken Rose

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, Doctor you've taken out my tonsils, my adenoids, my gall bladder, my varicose veins and my appendix, but I still don't feel well.That's quite enough out of you!

abacus ENGLISH

A calculating table or frame; an instrument for performing arithmetical calculations by balls sliding on wires, or counters in grooves, …

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abalone ENGLISH

A univalve mollusk of the genus Haliotis. The shell is lined with mother-of-pearl, and used for ornamental purposes; the sea-ear. …

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abaxile ENGLISH

Away from the axis or central line; eccentric.

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abdomen ENGLISH

The belly, or that part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. Also, the cavity of the belly, …

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abduction ENGLISH

The movement which separates a limb or other part from the axis, or middle line, of the body.

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abductor ENGLISH

A muscle which serves to draw a part out, or form the median line of the body; as, the abductor …

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On the beam, that is, on a line which forms a right angle with the ship's keel; opposite to the …

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abladu CEBUANO

abládu n {1} delivered in spoken fashion. Ang kúru abládu, dílì kantáhun, The chorus is spoken, not sung. {2} lines …

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abreast ENGLISH

Side by side; also, opposite; over against; on a line with the vessel's beam; -- with of.

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abreast ENGLISH

Side by side, with breasts in a line; as, \"Two men could hardly walk abreast.\"

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abreast ENGLISH

Up to a certain level or line; equally advanced; as, to keep abreast of [or with] the present state of …

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acephalous ENGLISH

Deficient and the beginning, as a line of poetry.

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aclinic ENGLISH

Without inclination or dipping; -- said the magnetic needle balances itself horizontally, having no dip. The aclinic line is also …

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acrostic ENGLISH

A Hebrew poem in which the lines or stanzas begin with the letters of the alphabet in regular order (as …

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acrostic ENGLISH

A composition, usually in verse, in which the first or the last letters of the lines, or certain other letters, …

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adbans CEBUANO

adbans n advance payment on a salary, debt, etc. v {1} [AP; cP] give an advance. Adbansan ka nákug singku, …

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adduct ENGLISH

To draw towards a common center or a middle line.

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adductor ENGLISH

A muscle which draws a limb or part of the body toward the middle line of the body, or closes …

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To the middle of the way; to the central line of the road. Park-er v. Inhabitants of Framingham, 8 Metc. …

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Adjournment LAW AND LEGAL

A putting off or post-lining of business or of a session until an-other tlme or place; the act of a …

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