"Tikungkung" is a word in CEBUANO

tikungkung CEBUANO

tikungkung v [A; c1] curl up the legs.
Nagtikungkung siyang natúg sa katugnaw, It was so cold that he slept with his legs curled up.
Tikungkúnga (itikungkung) ímung tiil arun masúd ka sa kaban, Curl up your legs so youll fit in the trunk.

Few words of positivity

Plodding wins the race.


Laugh your heart out.

Have you heard that all the buses and trains are stopping today? No. Is there a strike? No, they're stopping to let the passengers off.


abóy - Bent, curved, warped; to bend, to curve, to warp, kink. Ang mga manuglagarì nagalagárì sang káhoy sonô sang …

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alisí - (Sp. hélice) Screw-propeller, screw, propeller. Also verb. Ang táo nga nahúlug sa bapór naalisí kag naútud ang íya …

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bad-ay CEBUANO

bad-ay v {1} [B1] be placed transversely across. Nagbad-ay ang buktun sa bána sa tiyan sa íyang asáwa, The husbands …

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bahag n G-string. Dì masaghirag bahag bayhána, That woman is terribly fertile. (Lit. You cant brush a g-string against her …

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bakaang CEBUANO

bakaang v [B] walk with legs spread apart. Nagbakaang siya tungud sa hubag, He walked with his legs spread apart …

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balak-ang CEBUANO

balak-ang n = balat-ang. v [B; c1] stand, squat with the thighs apart. Nagbalak-ang ang tindíra ug mani sa íyang …

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balakáng - To spread the feet and legs wide apart in standing, sitting or lying. Nagabalakáng siá sa ganháan. He …

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balda v [A; a] {1} disable, maim. Baldáha ang tiil arun dì kadá-gan, Break his legs so he cant run …

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baligwat CEBUANO

baligwat v {1} [A13; c6] use s.t. as a crowbar to move s.t. else. Ayaw ug ibaligwat ang páyung sa …

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bányos - (Sp. baño) Ointment, salve, unguent, leaves, etc. used as a plaster for rubbing in or massaging; massage; to …

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barug v {1} [APB36; c1P] stand, stand up, cause to do so. Mubarug kita inigtugtug sa nasudnung áwit, Let us …

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batiis CEBUANO

batíis n {1} leg, esp. the lower leg. {2} legs of pants. v [A; c1] make a leg for toys, …

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batun v {1} [A1; b(1)] have or possess s.t. Nagbatun siya ug dakung hibalu, He is deeply learned. Ayaw batuni …

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bigting CEBUANO

bigting v [A; b] strike an animal in the leg to disable it, usually in preparation for butchering it. Nagsaguyud …

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bíkà - To straddle, to spread the legs wide apart when sitting, standing or lying. Indì ka magbíkà. Don’t spread …

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bikug v [APB26; a1] move s.t. fastened, bend s.t. firm out of place, be moved, bent. Dì ni mabikug kay …

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bikwad CEBUANO

bikwad a bent backwards, flat on its back, twisted askew. Tukúri nang pusti. Bikwad man, Straighten out the post. It …

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bilangkad CEBUANO

bilangkad, bilangkat v [A; c1] have the legs spread wide apart. Nagbuy-ud siya nga nagbilangkat sa katri, She was sprawled …

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bilíng - (H) A sharp sudden pain, a stitch; to have or suffer a stitch. Nagabilíng ang kílid ko. I …

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bínda - (Sp. venda) Bandage; to bandage, bind up. Bindahí ang pilás. Bind up the wound. Ginbindahán níla ang íya …

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