"Tig-A" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


tíg-a - (H) Hardness; to harden, become
hard, hardened, unyielding, indurate,
unimpressionable, difficult to make an
impression upon, to be hard, firm, stiff,
dense, stubborn, obstinate, self-willed, and
the like. Nagtíg-a na iníng tinápay. This
bread has hardened, has become hard.
Ginpatíg-a níya ang íya tagiposóon. He
hardened his heart. (cf. áwot, tígdà,


tig-a a hard, not soft.
Tig-a daw puthaw, Hard as steel.
Tig-a giyug balatían ang dì malúuy kaníya, You have to be heartless not to pity her.
v [B24; b6] become hard, not soft.
Mitig-a ang karning gibulad, The meat which was dried under the sun got hardened.
ma- a very hard.
v [A13] be hard.
Nagmatig-ang kasingkásing, A hard heart.
patig-atig-a v [A13] pretend to be unyielding.
Nagpatig-atig-a siya kay magpalúgit, She pretended to be unyielding to give him a hard time.

Few words of positivity

On the church vaulting above was the clock-face of eternity, void of number and serving as its own hand, only one black finger was pointing and the dead wanted to tell the time by it.

Jean Paul Friedrich Richter

Laugh your heart out.

How can you tell if a bee is on the phone? You get a buzzy signal.

bagtik CEBUANO

bagtik a hard because of being full. v [B; a] get hard. Bagtíkun nátù ang búla arun kusug muuntul, Lets …

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bágtik - To harden and get brittle, as dry mud and the like. Nagbágtik ang lúnang. The mud has hardened. …

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bagtuk CEBUANO

bagtuk a hardened, crystallized. v [APBN] become, make hard. Namagtuk (mibagtuk) ang lápuk, The mud hardened. Ang túbig bugnaw mubagtuk …

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bail a for fruit or root crops to be hardened due to exposure to heat or mishandling. Bail ang kamúti …

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banal a hardened, pressed solid. Banal na ang dálan nga kanú-nayng agiagíag sakyanan, The road that the vehicles keep pass-ing …

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bánhul - Swelling, friction, chafe; chafed, swollen, hard, stiff callous; to chafe, harden, be or become swollen, etc. (cf. pamánhul).

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bantuk CEBUANO

bantuk a {1} hard and compact. Bantuk kaáyung unud sa gábi, Taro meat is very firm. {2} for muscles to …

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básil - A firm, hard spot, as a hard road, hardened soil, hard sand on the beach, etc. (cf. the …

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batal n hardened part on an otherwise soft or medium-soft sur-face. Dúnay batal sa abukádu, There was a hard spot …

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batu n {1} rock, stone, pebble. {2} precious stone, kidney stone. {3} s.t. that has hardened. Batu na ang kukakúla, …

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batul a {1} for smooth or soft surfaces to have hard spots. {2} hard, brazen in character. v {1} [B4] …

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bigol-bigol HILIGAYNON

bigól-bigól - Dim. of bigól. Bigólbigól iníng ulúnan. This pillow is full of small hard lumps. Bigólbigól ang lala-ó sa …

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callosity ENGLISH

A hard or thickened spot or protuberance; a hardening and thickening of the skin or bark of a part, eps. …

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enmarble ENGLISH

To make hard as marble; to harden.

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gangking CEBUANO

gangking v [B3(1); a12] for soft and moist things to dry hard and get sti? . Ang bagang amirul makagangking …

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gulang CEBUANO

gúlang a {1} old in age. Miritayir siya kay gúlang na, He retired because hes old. Dalágang gúlang, Old maid. …

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gutuk a filled to the point that it is tight. Gutuk na ang ákung tiyan, My stomach is filled to …

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To harden; to make hard.

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harden ENGLISH

To become hard or harder; to acquire solidity, or more compactness; as, mortar hardens by drying.

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harden ENGLISH

To make hard or harder; to make firm or compact; to indurate; as, to harden clay or iron.

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