"Tarpum" is a word in ENGLISH

tarpum ENGLISH

A very large marine fish (Megapolis Atlanticus) of the
Southern United States and the West Indies. It often becomes six or
more feet in length, and has large silvery scales. The scales are a
staple article of trade, and are used in fancywork. Called also tarpon,
sabalo, savanilla, silverfish, and jewfish.

Few words of positivity

It never pays to deal with the flyweights of the world. They take far too much pleasure in thwarting you at every turn.

Sue Grafton

Laugh your heart out.

"Hey, Pop," pleaded Angelo, "can I go to the zoo to see the monkeys?" "What's the matter with you?" asked his father. "Why would you wanna go see the monkeys when your Aunt Maud is here?"

abaction ENGLISH

Stealing cattle on a large scale.

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asendéro - (Sp. hacendero) Farmer, landowner, planter, agriculturist on a large scale. (cf. mangungúma).

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asiénda - (Sp. hacienda) A farm on an extensive scale, large landed property, plantation. (cf. palangúmhan). asíg, An exclamation denoting …

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báhud v [B2] for wounds to swell and redden. Mibáhud ang íyang núka kay hiinitan man, His wound became swollen …

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One of the small bulbs developed in the axils of the scales of a large bulb, as in the case …

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commerce ENGLISH

The exchange or buying and selling of commodities; esp. the exchange of merchandise, on a large scale, between different places …

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contractor ENGLISH

One who contracts; one of the parties to a bargain; one who covenants to do anything for another; specifically, one …

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copperas ENGLISH

Green vitriol, or sulphate of iron; a green crystalline substance, of an astringent taste, used in making ink, in dyeing …

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cupola ENGLISH

A roof having a rounded form, hemispherical or nearly so; also, a ceiling having the same form. When on a …

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dakù a {1} big, great. Dakù na ang íyang anak, Her child is grown up now. ug anínu prominent person. …

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A cupola formed on a large scale.

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gastrostege ENGLISH

One of the large scales on the belly of a serpent.

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gastu v {1} [A2; a] spend money. Nakagastu silag dakù sa dispidída, They spent a large amount of money for …

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glyptodon ENGLISH

An extinct South American quaternary mammal, allied to the armadillos. It was as large as an ox, was covered with …

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hinikugay HILIGAYNON

hinikugáy - Suicide, self-destruction, the committing of suicide (on a large scale). (cf. híkog, hingáp-us).

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ilináway - (H) Fight, quarrel (on a large scale with many partakers), engagement, battle, strife, war; to fight, quarrel, wage …

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kumirsiyal CEBUANO

kumirsiyal n commercial on radio or TV. a {1} done on a large scale for commercial purposes. Pamuhig bábuy nga …

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lumpfish ENGLISH

A large, thick, clumsy, marine fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) of Europe and America. The color is usually translucent sea green, sometimes …

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A genus of edentates, covered with large, hard, triangular scales, with sharp edges that overlap each other like tiles on …

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merchant ENGLISH

One who traffics on a large scale, especially with foreign countries; a trafficker; a trader.

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