"Syndicos" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL


one chosen by a college, mh-nicipality, etc., to defend its cause. Calvin

Few words of positivity

There are two possibilities: accept the reality or change yourself to get ready to accept the reality.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Amin !Amin who ?Amin man!

aleconner ENGLISH

Orig., an officer appointed to look to the goodness of ale and beer; also, one of the officers chosen by …

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alternative ENGLISH

An offer of two things, one of which may be chosen, but not both; a choice between two things, so …

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antipope ENGLISH

One who is elected, or claims to be, pope in opposition to the pope canonically chosen; esp. applied to those …

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apostle ENGLISH

Literally: One sent forth; a messenger. Specifically: One of the twelve disciples of Christ, specially chosen as his companions and …

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arbitrator ENGLISH

A person, or one of two or more persons, chosen by parties who have a controversy, to determine their differences. …

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bretwalda ENGLISH

The official title applied to that one of the Anglo-Saxon chieftains who was chosen by the other chiefs to lead …

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centumvir ENGLISH

One of a court of about one hundred judges chosen to try civil suits. Under the empire the court was …

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chosen ENGLISH

One who, or that which is the object of choice or special favor.

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delegate ENGLISH

Any one sent and empowered to act for another; one deputed to represent; a chosen deputy; a representative; a commissioner; …

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delegation ENGLISH

One or more persons appointed or chosen, and commissioned to represent others, as in a convention, in Congress, etc.; the …

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diringoyngoy HILIGAYNON

diringóyngoy - (B) Not good, of a bad or inferior kind, left or rejected, (as things left over after the …

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One chosen or set apart.

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elector ENGLISH

One of the persons chosen, by vote of the people in the United States, to elect the President and Vice …

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A magistrate; one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta. They exercised control even …

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Hombre Bueno LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanlsh law. The judge of a district Also an arbitrator chosen by the parties to a suit Also a …

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luhâ - To select, pick out, choose (from among a number, etc.). Luhaá ang isá dídto. Pick out the one …

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palapilian HILIGAYNON

palapilián - A candidate for election, one who is, or wishes, to be chosen for an office, or the like. …

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pedarian ENGLISH

One of a class eligible to the office of senator, but not yet chosen, who could sit and speak in …

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pílì v [A3S; a] {1} choose, pick a choice. Pílì háiy ímu, Choose which one you want to have. Nakapilì …

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pílì - Picked out, chosen, selected, the very best; fastidious, particular, overnice, difficult to please as regards food, or the …

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