"Symphony" is a word in ENGLISH

symphony ENGLISH

An instrumental passage at the beginning or end, or in
the course of, a vocal composition; a prelude, interlude, or postude; a

symphony ENGLISH

An elaborate instrumental composition for a full
orchestra, consisting usually, like the sonata, of three or four
contrasted yet inwardly related movements, as the allegro, the adagio,
the minuet and trio, or scherzo, and the finale in quick time. The term
has recently been applied to large orchestral works in freer form, with
arguments or programmes to explain their meaning, such as the
\"symphonic poems\" of Liszt. The term was formerly applied to any
composition for an orchestra, as overtures, etc., and still earlier, to
certain compositions partly vocal, partly instrumental.

symphony ENGLISH

A stringed instrument formerly in use, somewhat
resembling the virginal.

symphony ENGLISH

A consonance or harmony of sounds, agreeable to the ear,
whether the sounds are vocal or instrumental, or both.

Few words of positivity

Science is a proven concept with standards. Wisdom is the knowledge of life that we learn by living it.

Debasish Mridha

Laugh your heart out.

A little boy wanted $100 badly and prayed for two weeks but nothing happened. Then he decided to write a letter to the Lord requesting the $100.When the postal authorities received the letter addressed to the Lord, USA, they decided to send it to President Clinton. The President was so impressed, touched, and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5.00 bill, as this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy.The little boy was delighted with the $5.00, and sat down to write a thank-you note to the Lord. It said:Dear Lord,Thank you very much for sending me the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington, DC and as usual, those jerks deducted $95.

a cappella ENGLISH

In church or chapel style; -- said of compositions sung in the old church style, without instrumental accompaniment; as, a …

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cantabile ENGLISH

A piece or passage, whether vocal or instrumental, peculiarly adapted to singing; -- sometimes called cantilena.

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A composition for two performers, whether vocal or instrumental.

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The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; -- so called because it generally expresses the …

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instrumental ENGLISH

Pertaining to, made by, or prepared for, an instrument, esp. a musical instrument; as, instrumental music, distinguished from vocal music.

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instrumintal CEBUANO

instrumintal n instrumental (as opposed to a vocal) musical number. Instrumintal na puy ákung ipatukar, Ill put on an instrumental …

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orchestra ENGLISH

Strictly: A band suitable for the performance of symphonies, overtures, etc., as well as for the accompaniment of operas, oratorios, …

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phthongometer ENGLISH

An instrument for measuring vocal sounds.

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recital ENGLISH

A vocal or instrumental performance by one person; -- distinguished from concert; as, a song recital; an organ, piano, or …

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register ENGLISH

The compass of a voice or instrument; a specified portion of the compass of a voice, or a series of …

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ritornello ENGLISH

A short intermediate symphony, or instrumental passage, in the course of a vocal piece; an interlude.

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A composition, vocal or instrumental, commonly of a lively, cheerful character, in which the first strain recurs after each of …

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It is silent; -- a direction for a vocal or instrumental part to be silent during a whole movement.

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terzetto ENGLISH

A composition in three voice parts; a vocal (rarely an instrumental) trio.

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transcription ENGLISH

An arrangement of a composition for some other instrument or voice than that for which it was originally written, as …

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Breath modulated by the respiratory and vocal organs, or by an instrument.

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xyster ENGLISH

An instrument for scraping bones. Y () Y, the twenty-fifth letter of the English alphabet, at the beginning of a …

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