"Transcription" is a word in ENGLISH

transcription ENGLISH

The act or process of transcribing, or copying; as,
corruptions creep into books by repeated transcriptions.

transcription ENGLISH

An arrangement of a composition for some other
instrument or voice than that for which it was originally written, as
the translating of a song, a vocal or instrumental quartet, or even an
orchestral work, into a piece for the piano; an adaptation; an
arrangement; -- a name applied by modern composers for the piano to a
more or less fanciful and ornate reproduction on their own instrument
of a song or other piece not originally intended for it; as, Liszt's
transcriptions of songs by Schubert.

transcription ENGLISH

A copy; a transcript.

Few words of positivity

The most self confident aces began to wonder when their turn would come.. Faced by the empty chairs of men you had laughed and joked with at lunch. And, miraculously, you were still there. Until tomorrow..

Cecil Lewis

Laugh your heart out.

I woke up, went for a walk, my head fell off and rolled away. I picked it up and put it on. A child walked up to me and said: "Good grief, where are your feet?" I must have left them in bed !

arrangement ENGLISH

A piece so adapted; a transcription; as, a pianoforte arrangement of Beethoven's symphonies; an orchestral arrangement of a song, an …

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